Haha thanks Ruby!
Here's the next part.
Christmas came within the next three weeks. Lily went home over the break, as did the four marauders. Me, Emily, and some other Gryffindors stayed back.
Emily’s parents said I could have come and stayed with them over the holidays, but I didn’t want to return to the street on which my life had changed so dramatically. Her home was only a few houses down from mine. Though, after the incident me and my deranged family had to move out. A realtor came by later that month and resold the house. Of course, she, nor the muggle family who live there now, know what happened there nine years ago.
“Come on, open your presents.” Emily demanded on Christmas morning. She sat on the edge of her bed, still in her pajamas and slippers. A little pile of presents laid at the foot of both of our beds. Her pile was remarkably bigger than mine.
I opened a brown paper wrapped box. Inside was a snow globe, Emily had put a spell on it so that it would never stop ‘snowing’. Inside where little replicas of me, Emily, and Lily, building a snowman.
“Thanks, Emily. I love it,” I said, “Open yours.”
Emily pulled back the wrappings on the gift I gave her. It was a photo album. I had put a few pictures of us in it from a few years ago.
“Thanks, Seneca.” She smiled.
Emily opened the rest of her presents. She got some candy, the wizarding and muggle kind, and some clothes from her favorite muggle stores. When she was done, she looked at me.
“I want to see what you got.” She said after I raised and eyebrow.
I laughed as I opened the three remaining presents on my bed. One was from Lily. She had gotten me a couple of books.
Another was from Remus. I was a little taken aback that he had thought to get me something. I glanced at Emily, who smiled reassuringly.
I opened the lid. Laying inside was a necklace. The charm was a simple, gold, crescent moon.
“Remus got you that?” Emily sounded surprised as she came and looked over my shoulder.
I pulled out the necklace and put it on.
“It’s so pretty.” Emily said staring at the charm.
I smiled. I would have to thank him when he got back.
I saw the return address on the last present and sat there staring at it for a minute.
It was from my Uncle, my mothers brother. My uncle’s a nice man, he took me in after my mother went to St. Mungos. I pulled open the paper that bound the present. A small photo album sat in my palm. Every page had the capacity to hold only one photo. I lifted the leather cover to see if anything was in it. The very first picture was that of my mother in her wedding dress. It was dated from 23 years ago. My mother was laughing and twirling in circles. She looked beautiful. Her red hair was pulled back in a bun, and she held a bouquet. After a minute I closed the album, pulling my self back into reality. No I thought, my mum’s in St. Mungos. She’s literally crazy, and she’s dying. She barely even remembers you and your brother.
“Seneca?” Emily saw my face drop, and tears forming on my eyes, “Are you ok?”
She took the album from me and flipped through it. Most of the pictures were of my mum and dad. They looked happy together in those pictures.
“Seneca.” My friend pulled my chin up so I had to look directly in her green eyes, “Are you ok?” she said more firmly.
“Yeah.” I wiped my face with my sleeve and turned away.
“What’s this?” Emily pulled a letter out of one of the pages and handed it to me. It was my Uncles handwriting.
Your mother wanted you to have this. Take care, and I’ll see you over the summer.
-Your Uncle
The letter was short, written in green ink and on a single piece of parchment.
“Seneca is this your dad?”
Emily found a newspaper clipping in the last page. I looked at the headline. I had to read it several times before it could finally sink in. The headline was titled ‘Wizard Kills Son With The Unforgivable Curse’ There was an article with it as well, but I didn’t want to read it. I scanned over the rest of the page. Flat in the middle was a mug shot of my dad in Azkaban.
I couldn’t believe it. Christmas Day and my spirits were already crushed that morning. I had thrown the album into the bottom of my trunk and slammed the lid down.
I sat on my bed as Emily got dressed and, with a look of sympathy, go down to breakfast. Slowly I followed and met her in the Great Hall.
It was more empty than usual. Some of the professors walked around, wishing kids a Merry Christmas. They looked more upbeat and wore brightly colored robes.
The students were happy as well. Emily still glanced at me with concern every once in a while.
“What?!” I said for the hundredth time.
“Nothing,” She muttered, eating a sausage link.
I didn’t eat much that morning.
We went back to the common room and spent most of the day in there. Emily and I played some chess and exploding snap, but we finally got bored. Every time I looked out the window, students were playing in the snow. I saw a group of Slytherin kids throw some snowballs at a couple of first years, who screamed and ran in different directions as more came flying at them. I laughed silently. That was exactly what the marauders would be doing if they were out there.
“Sure it might be funny, but what if that was you.” Emily said playfully following my gaze.
I had to laugh.
“That happened once. Remember? In our second year?” I replied not taking my eyes off of the kids.
“Of coarse, but we got back at them.” she said.
“Remus did most of the work.” I supplied, “He did all the spells.”
“Yeah.” Emily paused and pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes, “He really likes you.” she said studying my face. Her gaze slipped down to my necklace.
I smiled. “He’s a good friend.”
“Come on, lets go outside.” She picked up her jacket, gloves and hat. I barely had time to find my things before Emily was steering me out of the portrait.
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