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Old 11-15-2010, 05:30 PM   #1298 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Hello Emily. Nice timing. Did you plan on the final battle being so close to the movie? I think your final battle is better than what the movie will be. I think I'm going to be disappointed in it. Just from the "duel" between Voldemort and Harry trailor. In the book it isn't a duel, and it isn't on the bridge. The movie ruined it. But yours is fantastic!
Thanks! No, I didn't plan this in the slightest, it just sort of happened. I don't remember them being on the bridge for it in the trailer... It doesn't look like it's supposed to, but maybe it will still be good? Too bad we won't find out until the summer though.
I wish Emily could give him what he deserves. Slow and painful.
It's what he and Bellatrix deserve...
Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know that the higher pitched scream the more pain a person is in?
I didn't, but it does make sense.
Good call Emily. It would have been nice to see him squirm some more. But, it wouldn't be good if he got away. Especially if he killed Emily doing it. Then you'd have to change the whole ending of your story. So, it's good she killed him off now. It is an awful thing to take a life, and I'm sure it'll bother her, but war pushes all the buttons. It can't be helped. And besides, defending yourself, loved ones, and home is the exception to the rule anyway.It doesn't get any better than that.
Very true; though I think she's going to have more trouble with Remus and Fred dying than fretting over killing someone... It was a war and they knew what they were getting themselves into.
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.
Thanks, Connie!
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