SPOILER!!: Prof.Kingsley
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AmbiguouslyMe "Try again," Preston called to her. "You can work on the size with your concentration."
"Keep practicing," he said, continuing his walk. "There is a limit as to how large you can make the board just by concentrating, but that's going to be dependent on your skill and the leaf itself. So keep at it."
As he walked, he continued to speak. "You could use these boards to create a quick lean-to, using the nails and hammer spells we learned last class. You could use them as a floor, to keep your body away from the wet ground. You could do any number of things with them."
He stopped in his tracks, though. "Remember, though, that this isn't permanent. I would caution strongly against using these materials to build structures that you need to last."[/COLOR]
"Yes, Professor." Freya said nodding her head when she heard Professor Kingsley asked her to try again.
Work the size with concentration the Professor said. Okay here we go. She pointed her wand to the wooden board
"Reverto!" the wooden board changed back to leaf.
Work the size with concentration she repeated what the Professor said in her mind over and over again. She tried to concentrate and pictured a wooden board in her mind with the size, shape, width, and the strength that she want with her wooden board. She repeated the wand movement before saying the incantation
"Temran Madera!" with a clear voice. She saw the leaf slowly turned into a solid wooden board and it was almost as long as Professor Kingsley.