Hey Emily! How are you dearest? I read this last night, but then the laptop died on me.... But I'm here now!
Originally Posted by
Bellatrix fought Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, only to be taken over by Molly.
I liked that bit in the book...go Molly
“It was quite fun, you know—killing him. Especially since it’s brought on this,” he indicated with his wand to her
Oh the nasty begger!
“CRUCIO!” she screamed. Dolohov, who hadn’t seen that one coming, fell to the ground in agony. He screamed a high pitched scream.

I hope it hurt!
“AVADA KEDAVRA!” Emily yelled at him.
I think it probably hurt Emily more than him. She isn't cut out for killing others I don't think

Though, she shouldn't dwell on it for too long!
It a great post Emily! You really feel Emily's emotion... Only three posts left!!! What!

p.s theres a good interview on T4 about Deathly Hallows with all the actors!