I'm michelle and this my first anime contest on this site.
~You must submit include all images that the challenge asks for
~The signature cannot be over 450 pixels in width or 150 pixels in height.
~The profile picture cannot be over 350 pixels in width or height
~The avvi cannot be over 100 in width and height
~ All graphics must be under 60 kb in size
~All graphics must be SS appropriate
~All graphics should relate to the theme in some way.If not your entry will not count.
~ You can enter two sets per round...This means two entries Nothing
animated! That means no moving pictures
~ Do not show others your entries, I want it to be a surprise
~PM all entries to me.
~Please No hot linking!
First theme is Inuyasha the due date is nov 19
must be a siggy and aviie with inuyasha and kagome