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Old 11-11-2010, 10:08 PM   #1287 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Not the beach
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♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

New post!

“Go to hell,” she said in disgust.

And the battle between the two began. They were slowly backing up into the Great Hall, throwing curse after curse at the other. Voldemort was in the center of the Hall fighting off McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley. George and Lee killed Yaxley while Ron and Neville took down Greyback. Arthur and Percy took down Thicknesse while Bellatrix fought Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, only to be taken over by Molly.

“Confringo!” Emily yelled. Dolohov blocked her curse and nothing turned to flames. He kept shooting curses at her, but she blocked them, too.

“Expulso!” she tried again. But, he blocked it again. There was one curse she stayed away from—the killing curse. Avada Kedavra wasn’t enough. She didn’t want his death to be painless so he could just fall back and be dead. No, he had to suffer.

“It was quite fun, you know—killing him. Especially since it’s brought on this,” he indicated with his wand to her. Her eyes narrowed as the fury she felt became more and more pronounced. “Maybe I should kill your husband too,” he said with a bark.

Emily actually growled at him before swishing her wand through the air. “CRUCIO!” she screamed. Dolohov, who hadn’t seen that one coming, fell to the ground in agony. He screamed a high pitched scream.

“Doesn’t feel too good, does it?” Emily asked. Dolohov screamed again. She chanced a glance around at everyone. Hundreds of people lined the walls for the three battles—her and Dolohov, Bellatrix and Molly, and Voldemort, McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn. She knew George’s eyes were on her, but she couldn’t see him.

Dolohov slowly stood, and her attention went back to him. “Did I say you could get up?” Emily sneered.

“Crucio!” she said again, but he was ready that time and deflected it.

“You didn’t like that, did you? Threatening your husband? As soon as I’m finished with you, I’ll finish him off,” he said with a laugh. That did it.

“AVADA KEDAVRA!” Emily yelled at him. It hit him in the chest—he was too busy laughing at her to see it coming and deflect it. His eyes went wide as his smile disappeared from his face. He fell back against the floor with a thud as Emily just stared down at his body.

Emily backed up slowly, her wand arm falling to her side. She felt hands incase around her waist and pull her back against the wall. Emily turned round to look at the person and it was George. He held her tightly to himself, their bodies almost like one.

“I lose control when they threaten you,” she whispered into his chest.

“I noticed,” he whispered back, his voice strained. Emily pulled back to look at him and he met her eyes. “It’s done, Ems, he’s gone,” he whispered calmly. Emily nodded before she turned round at a high pitched scream.

They watched in horror as McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn were thrown back, flailing through the air. Bellatrix fell back against the ground, dead.

“Protego!” she heard someone roar. Emily looked around for the person that could have possibly cast the protection shield in front of her mother-in-law. Harry threw his cloak to the ground and Emily gasped. Emily heard everyone’s surprised voice say, “He’s alive,” before they all stifled their voices.

“I don’t want anyone else to try to help,” Harry said. “It’s got to be like this. It’s got to be me,” he said.

Emily’s chest fell and rose rapidly as all she could hear were the deep breaths she took. Voldemort and Harry circled each other as her blood pulsed loudly in her ears. She couldn’t hear anything that was being said. Her vision seemed fuzzy as many images ran through her mind—Sirius’ smile at her engagement, Remus the day he made his promise, Cedric and Harry as they came out of the maze, Draco in La Push, George and Fred the day she met them, Emmett’s growl as he kept George at bay, George’s smile at their wedding, Fred’s facial expression when he met his niece and nephew, George’s smile when he held his son and daughter for the first time, Fred’s still body, Tonks falling to the ground right before Remus joined her.

George’s hold around her fingers tightened and she woke from her reverie. Her memories held laughter, love, life, despair, and death. Harry was like a brother to her—he was a brother to her. She couldn’t bear losing anyone else. She strained to hear what they were saying through her pulse.

“So it all comes down to this, doesn’t it?” Harry whispered. “Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does…I am the true master of the Elder Wand,” Harry said.

“Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort screeched at the same time that Harry said,


Emily’s breath caught in her throat as she watched as the spells collided. The Elder Wand flew high and Harry caught it like the Seeker he is. Voldemort fell back, arms spread out wide.

Everyone was silent for a second before they screamed and cheered, running toward Harry. Voldemort was dead and the war was over. Emily and George ran over to Harry, hugging him. George firmly took Emily’s hand and led her off to the side. There was no way they could really talk to Harry at the moment with everyone trying to seize him in some way or the other.

He pulled her outside, under the rising sun and took her face in his hands. They stared wordlessly at each other for the longest time, looking into each other’s souls.

“You scared me,” he finally whispered. Emily blinked back her tears at his soft, sweet voice.

“I had to fight him,” she whispered back.

“I know, I would have done the same,” he said softly. “But you still scared me.”

“It’s all over now,”
she said. “Can you believe it’s all over?” she said slowly, a smile creeping onto her face.

“Not really, it’s all so surreal.”

“But it is over,”
she whispered with a grin. “And we’re together,” she said as her hands wound around his neck.

“Forever and Always,” he said with a small chuckle.

Emily leaned forward as his hands ruffled through her hair. Her heart melted as his sleek, lubricous lips massaged hers. His tongue probed her mouth as his breath tickled her throat. She sighed in content as he pushed the small of her back closer.

The realization of the loved ones they lost was momentarily pushed aside as the understanding that they could be together always washed through them. They both knew that when they went home, with their children, the despair would wash through them, but, at the moment, they lived in their bliss as they celebrated with everyone else.

Okie dokie, What do you think? There are only THREE posts left!
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