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Three? Oh my! For once, Evelyn was not correct, which meant she'd likely been daydreaming . . . about Merlin only knew what. "Evelyn dear? Are you feeling alright or perhaps you should skide off the lesson today and head straight to the hospital wing." Because clearly if the girl was saying three had to do with farewells, she was definitely feeling ill. Any other student would have been different, but Evelyn, who was rather gifted in Arithmancy, Hadley questioned her well-being.
Hmm wha?
Raising a brow, Evelyn stared at the professor for a moment before giggling. Yes, she giggled. That is, until she realized what she did and cleared her throat instead. That, didn’t happen. Ever!
"No, I'm fine. Got too excited over it I suppose." Grinning, she tapped her pencil on her desk before looking elsewhere. It wasn’t like she was going to repeat an answer that was already said, so she had said three. Three was an awesome number! Pfft.
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"Could I get some shout-outs for characteristics about the number nine? Anything at all you know about this number, please share out loud." Good way to start off with talking about a particular number.
Sighing, Evelyn rubbed her eyes for a moment before looking down to the book, her eyes gazing at the words given for the number nine.
"Being a number of completion and farewells, the number nine also represents the meanings of a person's spiritual and artistic self. Mostly referring to one's higher self and need to fulfill...one's charitable nature." she said, after raising her hand of course.
"Which I suppose could all tie in with the whole 'completion' and 'endings' theme, since if you think about it, as one gets older, towards their end i should say, they are more in tune with themselves and their surroundings... not to mention are very wise and usually end up teaching the world or someone a thing or two about life. Hence, the spiritual and artistic or charitable self...and since nine is the last number in the system here..." Trailing off, the Slytherin stared at the book and words.
"Would nine also be represented as the oldest number?"
If that made any sense at all. If not, perhaps she really should head to the nurse. Meep! Comparing numbers to old people. Yeaaa....