Thread: Food Tables
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Old 11-09-2010, 06:39 PM   #292 (permalink)
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Daniel McArthur
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Originally Posted by Noel Laurent View Post
A bit oblivious to what was really going on at the food tables since he was on cloud nine at the moment, Noel stopped in front of the enormous amount of food, searching out what Cosette had requested first.

Adjusting his shirt, he couldn't quite take in how much food there was. He was pleased though, that there were familiar dishes to him, which meant he didn't have to keep eating the British food. Thank Merlin for that. He'd rather be fine for the rest of the night.

Grabbing a plate, the French man piled it with samples of all the bread and cheese since he had no idea what kind the lovely blond enjoyed before getting a plate of his own. Eh, he couldn't fit all of what he wanted on one plate. Dilemma!!
Rene walked over to the food table. This wasnt like the food we would get on a regular base so she grabbed a plate grabbed some food as she mad her way down the table.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the champions gathering a plate load of food. He was looking like he wanted more food but she was unsure that it all was going to fit on his plate. Staring at him for a moment then she decide to talk to him. Maybe he would talk back. She hadnt got any luck in that department tonight and really was getting tired of being what most would call a LOSER.

"Hello, My name is Rene." She said smiling "You must be hungry.'' Jesting to his overflowing plate and giving a slight giggle.
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