Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Neptune dropped her eyes to her toes. She DID know that Finny was Jim's best friend, but.... for all SHE knew - since they NEVER TALKED EVER - it had changed. Girls changed friends ALL the time...
"According to YOU, EVERYTHING is my fault. Forget the fact that you never asked me to be your girlfriend. Yet somehow I'm the one to blame for not claiming you. You didn't WANT me then, like you don't want me NOW, and you're all guilty and just want to blame me."
Something like that. Sounded good, right? Sure didn't FEEL good though...
Neptune STARED at him and this eye thing. If he was going to cry, she'd just...die. Die. Or walk away? THEN DIE for sure. She'd not let him SEE her die. Good plan.
"I did
so." He pointed out, jaw clenched still. She'd kind of.... weirdly... tricked him into it a bit, and it had been... a weird sort of shock, and he'd been definitely skeptical about it, but he HAD. And just like he'd said, he wasn't up for being used and she did it anyway.
Sulk. "I
did want you then, and I don't WANT to want you now." He corrected.
Guh. James had willpower. Lots of it. Manly. Rawr. He overcame the thing that was in his eye and making him blink. Mostly.
"Maybe I am guilty, but you're still to blame." He swallowed and looked down and away.