Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen "And my best friend knows all about you." Okay, maybe not everything. Maybe not every detail. But Kellen knew enough... Mostly... "I don't even KNOW who your best friend IS, Jim... Doesn't that say something? You don't... you only talk to me when no one is around."
She waved a hand around to the empty corridor, illustrating the point. Would he have stopped to talk to her if someone was here to witness? Probably NOT.
Neptune hopped down from her perch though, leaving her things behind in the window. She moved in front of him, crossed her arms, and jutted a hip out. "As ridiculous as ALL of that is," because it mostly was, "at least you were a special little secret, Jim Wilkes. I NEVER said ANYTHING bad about you ever to any of MY friends. I... well. I might have liked you a lot, before I got smart and moved well and truly on."
It might have been about her all the time, but the thing was... Neptune had been all about HIM all the time. Tragically, still was, despite trying pretty hard not to be. |