Thread: Other: My Life Flipped - Sa16+
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Old 11-09-2010, 03:00 AM   #3 (permalink)
z999993's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: 12 Grimmauld Place
Posts: 419
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Yay! I got views!

Ok here's the next part!

I laid in my bed and curled up in a ball, silently crying. I don’t know exactly when it happened but sometime within the hour I fell asleep. For most of the night I had a dreamless sleep. Though, once again, I saw the familiar pleading face, angry muddy brown eyes and a green flash of light, that have haunted my dreams since I was seven.

“Mommy!” I stumbled down the wooden stairs, tripping on the last two. My red hair was falling out of my braid and I had kicked off my slippers outside the door to my room. The hallway seemed longer than usual, and the pictures looked as if they were mocking me. I ran to the opposite door and threw it open. On more than one occasion I had heard those screams. I automatically recognize them, even if they’re muffled behind my closed door from my room.
I heard a yell, and a crash, then saw a bright flash of light. My older brother was staggering behind the toppled kitchen table. Some of the chairs lay scattered in pieces around him. Dishes and appliances laid on the floor as well. My mother was crumpled on the floor at my dads feet. She was barely moving but I at least saw her breathing.
“You unworthy son of mine!” My dad waved his wand above his head and stepped over my mother. Ethan was standing up. His green eyes looked fearful and his reddish-blonde hair was partly covered in blood. I ran into the room and ducked behind the counter as my dad shot a spell and a vase exploded behind my brother.
“Stop it!” I shouted, jumping up and standing between my brother and my dad. My dad’s eyes flashed towards me. Towards his seven year old, helpless daughter.
“Get out of the way Seneca!” He said pushing me aside.
“Seneca, Go!” Ethan yelled. He was backing up. Away from my crazed dad.
I ducked back behind the counter and peered over the top.
“I’m sick of you! You brought dishonor to this family.” Yelled my dad. Ethan was completely vulnerable. My father had his wand pointed directly between his eyes, “It’s time I took care of you.”
“NO!” My mother was getting up. Some blood trickled from a few spots on her face and her hair was completely tangled. My dad spun on her.
“You! It’s you’re fault you produced a squib, Anna! Crucio!” My mothers screams filled the house again. Her body and mind couldn’t take any more. She passed out on the floor once more.
He turned back to Ethan who was trying to stumble over some of the wreckage.
“Now you.” He muttered quietly, angrily.
Ethan stopped dead. He glanced at me then back at our father .
“Crucio!” The air was filled with different screams. Ethan fell to the floor, twisting in agony. My dad relieved the unforgivable curse and my twelve year old brother lay there panting. For a moment my dad seemed to come to his senses.
“Avada Kedavra!” He said finally. There was a green flash of light and Ethan lay motionless.

“Seneca? Seneca! Wake up!” Someone was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes. Emily and Lily stood over me. The curtains around my bed were parted and light flooded the dormitory.
“Are you ok?!” I was tangled in my bed sheets, covered in sweat, and tears were streaked down my face. Emily looked frightened. Lily took my arm and helped me sit up.
“Seneca, what’s wrong?” said Lily firmly. She looked me over.
I made eye contact with Emily. She instantly knew what was up.
“Uh, Lily, why don’t you go downstairs. We’ll meet you there in a minute.”
The redhead nodded and with one last glance at me, left the dormitory.
“The dream?” asked Emily quietly, after the door was completely closed. She sat down next to me. I nodded my head and wiped my hand on my face.
“Wanna talk about it?” she said hesitantly.
“No,” I ignored the arm she tried to put around me and stood up. I went over to the bowl on my nightstand. I could see my reflection in the water. My bangs were plastered to my forehead and my eyes looked red. I splashed the water on my face.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” I turned back to her, drying my face off with a little towel, “you and the others can go down to breakfast,” I said, “I’ll meet you in a bit.”
“If you’re sure.” She mumbled, “Just remember I’m here if you need me.” She stood up and left.
The door closed once again. I sighed and sank back into my bed. After about a minute I took my wand and magically curled my hair. I pulled some extra clothes out of my trunk and got changed, grabbing a pair of boots on my way out the door. My wand was rammed into my back pocket and a jacket slumped over my arm. I pushed open the door at the bottom of the staircase, expecting the common room to be empty now that everyone was at breakfast.
I was wrong. Remus stood up. He had been sitting on the couch, his elbows propped on his knees. “I, er, wanted to wait for you.” he muttered softly.
“Thanks.” I didn’t think he would have waited. I thought he would have been off with Sirius, James, and Peter, causing mischief and mayhem in the Great Hall.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine, just bait hungry.”
Remus smiled, “Well you skipped dinner last night, remember?”
“Of coarse,” I returned a small smile which quickly disappeared when I thought of the letter my mum sent me.
“Come on,” He put his arm over my shoulder and steered me through the Fat Lady’s portrait.

[COLOR="rgb(221, 160, 221)"]Ok tell me what you think![/COLOR] <3
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