Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB "Oh wait," Fletcher looked up from his one-man cupcake party and around at his classmates, realization just now dawning on him. He had enough pink frosting on his face to classify him as Glitterpuff the Pink-Nosed Hufflejock but that didn't stop him from speaking up.
"I heard that you have to compliment Mr. Barty Henry, to get on his good side, before you really try talking to him. Otherwise he'll try to drown ya."
Like what had happened to Sadie, heheh. It had worked even if that had just been Fletcher pretending to be a squid.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |