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Well yeah..he was standing but....ugh...little kids. "Figure of speech I guess." This kid seemed pretty smart though. And he was a Huffie. The Badger's did tend to make some thing more exciting. Legend grinned as he thought back to the forest. That was one of the best moments of his life. "I think we could handle anything after that." Yeah they were awesome like that. "My names Legend Chosen by the way."
Legend relaxed a bit as the Huffie began talking to his friend and looked at the creature in the cage.
Haha. Yes. Though, he wasn't sure if Salander could, at least him and the Gryffindor boy could.
"We can, after all, we didn't even need Saylen back there" and that was true, the only thing the Professor did was teaching them the spell, but they got out of there on their own
by following the silver patronus.
A nod to his golden brown head,
"Legend. Nice to officially meet you. I'm Treyen, Treyen Lockhart" another nod, and then a look at the gnomish creature. It was creepy, but nothing more.
"Chosen?" and no, he wasn't going to joke about it,
"Do you have a sister that used to be Quidditch Captain here at Hogwarts?" he asked, writing a couple notes as the gnomish dude reacted on something.