Thread: Other: My Life Flipped - Sa16+
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Old 11-06-2010, 01:52 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Gryffindor My Life Flipped - Sa16+
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Hiya! This is my second ff. Its going to be a remade version of my first one. (I think I am going to get that one deleted soon) In the first one, I don't think I did J.K. Rowling's characters any justice. So here's the new version. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns most of these characters. (I made up a few)

I like constructive criticism so please reply.

I leaned back in the slouchy red chair, sighing. My mother’s letter lay open in my right hand, the envelope on my lap. The letter was dated from yesterday, but I had just received it about an hour ago by an owl that flew in through the Common Room window. Over the period of time, I had studied the minuscule handwriting. Every time I saw an S, I paused. Even after the ‘incident’ about seven year’s ago, my mother still wrote them exactly as I do. All of the other letter’s appeared different, distorted. The front of the envelope was written in a completely different handwriting. The nurse’s no doubt, I thought. ‘St. Mungos’ was scribbled on the top corner, and ‘Seneca Wilson’, in the middle. The envelope held another letter. A small piece of parchment that had about a paragraph of writing. It was in the same writing as on the envelope.
I heard the Fat Lady’s portrait swing open behind me. I was in almost complete silence, at least up until now. Gryffindors filed into the common room. That meant that dinner was over.
“Hey. I was getting worried about you when you never showed up.” My best friend sat down on the arm of my chair. “What’s wrong?”
I picked up my head to look at her and pushed back my red, curly hair. Emily’s green eyes looked concerned and there was a frown on her face. I handed her the two letters
and saw her eyes scan over them.
“It’s my mum, I muttered very quietly.
“Oh, Seneca, I so sorry.” She said after a minute, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I took back the letters and put them in the envelope. Around me, the other Gryffindors where settling down. Some played chess with their friends, others played exploding snap or gobstones. Since it was Friday, no one payed any attention to the homework they were assigned.
I turned around as one of my other friends sat down on the sofa. Lily leaned forward to talk to us.
“Seneca, are you ok? She looked just as concerned as Emily did, “Where were you?”
“I’m fine,” I replied quietly, “I’m just not hungry.” Lily looked unconvinced, but nonetheless leaned back in to the sofa and looked around at some of the other kids.
Emily was the only one whom I told about my “messed up” family. Lily knew nothing. As did none of my other friends.
“Are you sure? You’ll don’t look too well.” She said from her trance. She flicked her eyes between me and a game of chess nearby.
“I’m fine,” I repeated.
Two boys moved into my peripheral vision. One with jet black hair and glasses, another with light brown hair and a book in his hand. James automatically sat down next to Lily and put his arm around her. She instantly shook it off, scowled and moved away from him a bit. James smirked. Remus stood in front of the fire and placed his book on the table in front of the sofa.
“You’ll never believe what Sirius and James did at- Seneca, what’s wrong?”
Remus had noticed my tear-stained face. I looked away and ran my sleeve under my eyes, trying to not look too puffy and red.
“Seneca what’s wrong?” he repeated a little more firmly. He kneeled down to my level.
I was forced to look into his eyes. Remus had always been a good friend to me. Almost like a brother. But that didn’t mean I had to tell him everything.
I ignored his question again and stood up. He backed away, letting me pass to go up to the girl’s dormitory.
“I’m really tired.” I said to the Gryffindors by the fire. Lily, and Remus still looked concerned, but James looked confused.
“Hey Sen-” I had already pushed past Sirius and walked toward the stairs. Shrugging, Sirius went over to the other two marauders, Peter close on his heels.
“What’s up with her?” I heard him say, taking my vacant seat.
“Nothing,” replied Emily. She too stood up. “I should go as well.”
Emily hugged my shoulder as she came up to me. We walked up the stairs together and opened the door to the girl’s room. Five, four post beds consumed most of the space. I briskly walked to the nearest one. Next to the bed, I pulled open a drawer in the night stand. I shuffled through some drawings and extra pieces of parchment. There, at the bottom of the drawer was a little tin box. I took off the lid and fitted my newly acquired letter in it. Some of the other things were dated from up to six years ago, when I first entered Hogwarts.
Emily had already gotten changed and was sitting on her bed. She stared intently at me, waiting to see what I’d do. I got changed as well and hopped up onto my own bed. I was about to pull the curtains around me when Emily spoke up.
“Don’t worry, Seneca. You’ll be ok.” She tried to force a smile.
“G’ Night” I muttered pulling the curtains closed.
I heard her sigh then close her own.

Ok, please reply!
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