Drahhco... you danced.. l LET THE GREEN GIRL GO! l I think I got it! l hermoingo boingo boingo....
Keeley cheerfully skipped into the History of Magic classroom, quite glad to have something, even a lesson, to give her something to do. Hmm.... the room seemed to be empty, save Trixie and that one kid in her house whose name she didn't remember. But chatting with either probably wouldn't be the best idea, seeing as the older girl had the impression that she needed mental help, and well... she didn't feel like talking. If only they could just use this class for a niiice nappie time. Heehee.
Brushing back a stray piece of her jet black hair, the girl spotted the collection of big ol' picnic baskets. Like with Little Red Riding Hood? Would a scawy wolf try to take it? O_O Meep. Wolves are frightening indeed.
Take one for you and yourself friends? Well, not like Keeley had many friends. Whateva, no time to think of that now. The question of what was in the basket was more important. Taking it to one of the numerous empty desks, the Ravenclaw did a bit of investigating.
Poke. Poke. Rattle. Rattle.
Hmmm... a mystery.
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