Goo goo g'joob
Jacob dragged himself down 6 flights of stairs to get to the class... Why? Why, couldn't Jacob just back to bed? What exactly was the point of coming to this class? All Jacob did here was make a complete fool of himself. Well no more, today he was going to behave himself... or sleep.
Jacob stepped through the door... no brownies... or carrots?... No teacher either!
Jacob looked around the room again in case he missed her. Nope, there was really no Welton in sight. "No Teacher!" WHOOO! "Disco Party!!!" he yelled, and started randomly dancing! "Party, Party, Party, Par-"
Note... and picnic basket. Cool, Jacob got to steal picnic baskets like yogi bear... Jacob gets to be a bear!
He quickly took a basket and had a seat. He'd play goodie boy until it was time to strike
Last edited by Walrus; 11-04-2010 at 09:32 PM.