HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Trixie walked into History of Magic extremely optimistic. She liked this lesson, not that she disliked any lesson anyway but she was looking forward to getting down to some NEWT stuff ready for next year. The Slytherin appeared to be one of the first to be there. In fact she WAS the first one there Strange. She was an eager beaver there was no doubt about that.
The Blonde stopped to read the message that was on a peice of parchment near the baskets. Hmm... Take one for you AND your friends. But her friends weren't here yet. *Pout*
Ah well. The sixteen year old picked one up and brought it back to a space on a large cushion, waiting for one of her friends to turn up and join her lonesome self.
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