SPOILER!!: Professor and ze worms, SQUEEEE!
QUOTE=AmbiguouslyMe;9908562]Walking to the board, Preston tapped on the surface. "Needles, toothpicks, twigs, pins, q-tips, straws and other similar items can be transfigured into nails or spikes with tacque. It is also possible, however, to transfigure worms into nails with this spell, and it is that we will practice now."
Walking behind the curtain, Preston returned with two metal buckets full of writhing earthworms. "Come up and grab a few worms and bring them back to your desk. You will practice the spell on these worms, focusing on turning them into regular nails. No spikes at this juncture. AFTER you are successful with regular nails, you may try other. The wand movement is a simple flick."
He looked over the class. "Worms. Tacque. Flick. Let's get started.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Say whaaaaaat?
Destiny, once having a rather bad experience with a worm, grew to accept the fact that she almost ate one and even went as far as having a flobberworm as a pet. Hehe, how funny was it that she was going to dig into a bucket at earthworms in the class who was taught by the very Professor that gave her the inspiration to name her pet flobberworm 'Ruffles'?
It was a good thing she didn't bring that pet of hers to class. She did not want a pet nail! How BORING would he be then? More boring than what he already was.
Practically skipping to the front of the class, she shot Professor Kingsley with a rather cheesy grin before wiggling her fingers over the pail of worms. Hehe, WORMS! She didn't even need gloves, and finally sticking her hand inside, she pulled out a few and cradled them as she made her way back to her seat. She would have to name them. All three. Yes, there was Evelyn, Marie who was head butting Evelyn and Destiny. The She-Worms. BAHAHA!! Well, they weren't going to be worms when she got done with them, nope. They would be nails. The She-Nails, but that just sounded stupid, so yeah. She wouldn't mention that to anyone.
Pulling out her wand, she gave a quick flick in the direction of the Marie worm.
Flick and
Slowly but surely, the worm changed into a nail. And now she needed the others nails, too!
SPOILER!!: Professor and the hammerwands *evil*
QUOTE=AmbiguouslyMe;9911003]Preston observed the class before ducking behind the curtain once more. Emerging, he levitated a pile of wooden boards and settled them down in the middle of the room.
"You're all doing quite well, even those of you who managed to sever your worms," he said, giving a pointed look. "If you haven't gotten it yet, you can still keep working, but I'd like to interuppt you for a moment so those who have been successful can continue."
Picking up a board, he placed it on his desk, before levitating a worm from the bucket. "Tacque," he said softly, turning the worm into a nail. "I'm going to teach you a spell now that utilizes your wand like a hammer. The incantation is malleus and the movement is just as you would tap with a hammer."
Picking up the nail, he held it against the wooden board before intoning, "Malleus," and repeating the motion several times, as if he were hammering the nail. Between his fingers, the metal slid into the wood smoothly, though the wand did not touch it.
"Please take care with this spell. I don't want to send anyone to the hospital with smushed fingers. Gesture lightly as if you were tapping lightly. The force you use with your wand would be like the force of the hammer."
Holstering his wand, he gestured to them. "When you think you have the nail right, come and get a board and see. If you focused too much on appearance but not on structure, your nail will smush when you try to hammer it."[/QUOTE]
As Kingsley went to fetch the next part of the lesson, which turned out to be wooden boards, Destiny busied herself with turning the other worms into nails. It took longer than she had expected but she finally managed and was quite proud of herself. Another cheesy grin in the Professor's direction, she watched and listened. A hammerwand? Wasn't that a bit..dangerous?
Not that Destiny Shepard would use this spell outside of class!
Nodding as the demonstration was over, she realised..they were hammering WORMS into the board. Worms that had feelings and..inhumane this class was! But she really wanted to learn the hammerwand spell, so she would do it. For the sake of learning she would hammer that worm into that board!
Lucky that Lawson taught them how to use muggle tools last term or she would have definitely banged her fingers. Holding the worm!nail up towards the board that she had quickly skipped up to get, she held her wand and moved it like she would a hammer.
"Malleus!" she said, and was quite surprised that she had done it on her first try. Removing her hand from the nail, she continued to tap it until the nail head was lying flat on the board.
SPOILER!!: Professor and OH NO! Snakes! And pffft, not the She-Snakes!
Originally Posted by
Returning to the board, he added a new spell. Cordage Creatus.
"If you all could pause for a moment, you can return to practice in a moment." Pausing to wait for the noise in the room to die down, Professor Kingsley clasped his hands behind his back.
"Hammer and nails is one way to bind things together, but another is rope. If you can transfigure a shoelace or a piece of string into sturdy, thick rope, you can manage any number of things, including creating shelter with nothing more than a blanket and some trees to tie the rope between."
Flicking his wand at the board, a list of items appeared under the incantation. Shoelaces, string, ribbon, wire, vines, snakes, eels
"There are other things, as well. Obviously, living creatures are more difficult."
Pausing, he looked around. "The incantation - Cordage Creatus - is pronounced cor-dahge crey-ah-toos, accompanied by two loose circles with your wand. I will be right back with your <ahem> subjects."
Preston disappeared behind the curtain and rummaged around before returning with a crate.
A crate that slithered.
"When you are ready to try this last spell, come and get a snake. They are defanged and not poisonous at all. You are quite safe."
With her nail!worms now hammered into the board, Destiny decided it was time to move on. She also heard Kingsley say it was time, so she just had to agree.
Watching as he disappeared behind a curtain, a loud and long gasp escaped her mouth as he came back with a crate of SNAKES! Oh Sweet Merlin, she was not going near them. No way, no way NO WAY! She would just sit there and annoying Professor Ruffles with questions, yeah. It would be easier than touching that slithery demon they call the Slytherin mascot.
"Professor!" she called, her hand waving wildly in the air,
"What is the point of this spell exactly? I mean, I know the Incarcerous spell. I don't have to touch that snake."