SPOILER!!: Prof. Kingsley
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Preston made his way around the room, nodding encouragingly.
"To save your fingers so, using the fixate charm that Professor Carlton has taught would hold the nail in place."
He continued to look around the room, watching each student's progress. He noticed split boards and bent nails. "You'll want to practice enough on your own so that the nails are sturdy and that you are more confident with how much force malleus requires."
Returning to the board, he added a new spell. Cordage Creatus.
"If you all could pause for a moment, you can return to practice in a moment." Pausing to wait for the noise in the room to die down, Professor Kingsley clasped his hands behind his back.
"Hammer and nails is one way to bind things together, but another is rope. If you can transfigure a shoelace or a piece of string into sturdy, thick rope, you can manage any number of things, including creating shelter with nothing more than a blanket and some trees to tie the rope between."
Flicking his wand at the board, a list of items appeared under the incantation. Shoelaces, string, ribbon, wire, vines, snakes, eels
"There are other things, as well. Obviously, living creatures are more difficult."
Pausing, he looked around. "The incantation - Cordage Creatus - is pronounced cor-dahge crey-ah-toos, accompanied by two loose circles with your wand. I will be right back with your <ahem> subjects."
Preston disappeared behind the curtain and rummaged around before returning with a crate.
A crate that slithered.
"When you are ready to try this last spell, come and get a snake. They are defanged and not poisonous at all. You are quite safe."
Freya looked at the worm once again
"I have to success this time." she said and pointing her wand to the worm
"Tacque!" she said with a simple flick of her wand. Once again the worm changed to a nail. "Fixate" and the nail stayed in the place so she didn't has to use her finger to hold it.
"Okay now the hammering part." she pointed her wand to her (now transfigured) nail
"Malleus!" the Slytherin using her wand like a hammer. The nail was now nailed perfectly to the board. Finally!
Okay move on to the next spell. The blonde Slytherin looked up to the board and saw the next spell was Cordage Creatus and they gonna use it to a SNAKE?!
Well. At least it's not a worm, Prof. Kingsley said that the snakes not poisonous so it won't do any harm to her, right? She walked towards the crate to pick up a snake.