♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Sitting somewhere near the back of the room, quiet and observant even as he slipped a bit farther down in his seat, Raiden watched the professor went about class. The prefect took notes every so often, scribbling down random thoughts in the margins along the parchment and generally filling any empty area with musings.
When they got to doing practical stuff, he kept right along with the class, retrieving worms and practising the spell. The first time around, he said it aloud, watching the worm intently as it turned into a nail. He gave it a few more tries, lapsing into silence and then picking up each to see just how well it had worked.
He was dubious about the idea of letting the younger students hammer the nails in themselves; after all, they had all seen what had happened last class. Let people do something, and they'll get ridiculous. But the prefect collected a board and went to work on his own. A quick Fixate, a smart suggestion by the professor, held each of the few nails in place, and with a muttered 'Malleus', and a few sharp taps, each was driven in.
He experimented a bit, to see exactly how the spell worked. Gentler tapping motions, sharper, more intention, and all that. Hmm.
...and then there were snakes.
Looking up, noting down the new spell that Kingsley had just explained, Raiden's eyes followed the crate of snakes, and he felt a familiar twist in the pit of his stomach.
This was not going to go well. Because he was pretty sure there was probably at least one person in this class who was afraid of snakes. Hoping to Merlin that whoever it ended up being wouldn't cause a scene, he dropped his quill and went to the front once more. This time for... a snake.
Picking out one, noting that it was rather... er... violent with its squirming, he looked at the professor before heading back to his seat. Hopefully the man was prepared for someone to lose their head over there being snakes around.
The thing was looking at him. The snake in his hands had turned its head to stare at him, and Raiden raised an eyebrow at the bluff that was the 'threatening' snake glare. Odd creature. The young man set it on the desk, one hand still firmly wrapped around it to prevent its escape, and he held his wand up.
"Don't look at me like that, you'll live," he muttered to the thing, before tracing two loose circles in the air. "Cordage Creatus."
The snake jerked its tail to the side, but the spell still managed to knick it, and a knick was apparently enough. An amused smile lingered on the prefect's face as the snake's surprised little eyes disappeared, and his hand was clenched around a length of rope. |