Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Clearly, Jane Holland was unawares that her secretary's thumb was GREENEST of the greens. He let it go though. She had a rock and a plant and funny pictures and almost always made Plymouth smile.
He too, though maybe less aware of it, had protective sort of feelings for Miss Holland. "Well.... if something doesn't happen around here soon, you might just see THIS man cry real man!tears." Except, well, not. Plymouth wasn't a crier. "Hehe. No, no. Well, yes, but no." Plymouth eased the back of his chair around so he'd be side by side with Jane and so she'd have a good view of his stack of papers. Plymouth thumbed through them and straightened his stack -- then FLIPPED through them QUICKLY. On each page was a little stick figure that Plymouth had drawn over and over. He'd made a flip book, a cartoon.
It was his morning usual. "Hehe! I call him Gary!" The stick figure, that is. "Dance, Gary, dance!" HEHEHE |