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Right. So. Ghosts were coming out of peoples' lamps? Was she seeing that right? Ellie took to rubbing her own lamp. And to avoid a grumpy ghost, she rubbed slowly and gently. Like they had advised. Not that she thought the ghosts could physically harm her much....just..she'd rather stay on their good side.
Rub rub.
Really? Ellie was into this too?
The boy leaned a bit forward and spoke almost in a whisper,
"You don't believe it, do you?" he said, gesturing towards her lamp and just frowning a bit. It's not that Treyen didn't believe it, it was just...well, muggle stories. He's never seen a genie, soooo, no way such a thing existed, it was probably some wizard that pretended to be something like a genie and that's when the stories started.
Yes, that was probably it.
His robes rubbed his lamp when he scooted closer to the girl just seconds ago.