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Jumping up Daisy turned and said, "What are you doing here?" She had no time for childish games. She shook her head, "You know what don't even answer that." She began to walk away the angry clacking of her heels on the floor. "You shouldn't have come back Carson. You're only setting yourself up for failure and heartbreak."
"I'm here because I missed you," Carson said jumping up after Daisy. He followed her and said, "What do you mean? Are you dating? That's okay. I'll prove myself to you. I love you. I even faught with my parents to come back here."
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"Back away form my cousin girlfreind".Are you trying to break them up its not going to happend while i'm around.Now got get a another girl.
Before her could get out another word someone else had stepped in front of him and told him to back away. "Look I bet your cousin is a great guy but this is where I stand and no one, not even you, will get in my way. I will have Daisy. I loved her first and always will." He pushed his way around her and kept going after Daisy.