Originally Posted by
Grey Lady "Why, I'm the Grey Lady of Ravenclaw. And you are Kurumi - I've watched you study in the Gryffindor common room."
Ooooooh. Question answered. And she was a stalker too.
Mmmhmmm. Treyen didn't like this one not even a bit, he didn't enjoy the fact that she also smacked a lamp over Sir Fletcher's head. Not nice, Ravenclaw. Tsk. Tsk.
SPOILER!!: Sir Awesome
Originally Posted by
HEYYYYYYYYy whut was that forrrrrrrrrrrrr? Fletcher blinked and looked up at the transparent face of the lady!genie
"You... are in a serious state of denial, madame," he grunted, rubbing his cheek where the icy air had basically whipped him silly. "You came out of his," Salander's, "lamp. I witnessed it. De-ni-al."
He held his head up proudly and jutted his chin out. "And how did you get my name anyway?" Please don't say he was on the do-not-grant-wishes list.... Fletcher was gonna be real bummed if that was the case. But before he could even consider that possibility, the boy heard his fanboy's little exclamation.
"Myrtle???? WHERE?!!!!!" Fletcher's head whipped away from the rude, slappy "genie" and he looked around and around the grassy area for the girl ghostie he had been MEANING to visit all term.
Aha! THERE she was! Fletch winked in Treyen's direction, sure that he was thinking the same thing he was, and then the Hufflepuff scooted on his bum over toward the Ravenclaw conversing with HIS girl ghostie.
"Myrtleeeeeeeeee," the Champion practically purred, grinning wickedly as he scooted ever closer. "Please tell me you've come to grant me three wishes...."
Eyebrow wiggle wiggle.
Aha. Yes. There was Myrtle.
All they needed was Melanie, and it will be summer again, no? But Silent Lockhart was nowhere to be seen....ever.
Bahahahaha! The boy could so easily laugh, but he kept his usual amused face. This was a lesson, wasn't it? Right? Unless...he didn't mind not flying the carpets, you know...