Thread: Food Tables
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Old 11-02-2010, 01:14 AM   #142 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 29,830
Default Food fighters, too. >_>;;
♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥

A crooked grin broke over his face, and the young man shrugged nonchalantly. He'd gotten better about the whole dancing thing, not that he'd really let on about that. He'd had a bit of help, yeah, but his coordination and confidence in not stomping on feet was much better.

"Oh really?" he replied, the disbelief on his face not evident, though it was in his voice. "And what exactly is a dollop head, Miss Newtington?"

A bit late? He considered that for a moment. It would be, in a way. If someone were to give up everything but their face, then really, they didn't have much left at all, did they. But if they kept their face hidden, even while having given up everything else...

"There's always the chance to claim you're not who you say you are, I suppose." He chewed on his lip thoughtfully. "If you never see my face, how can you be sure I am who I claim?"

Ahhhh. She was doing that... cute... thing. With her face. The young man turned his face slightly, as if to make like he wasn't looking at her. She wasn't doing a very good job of it already, was she. The wide-eyed looks were just as bad as the others.

"As long as you try, then I suppose that's plenty." After all, if she was trying to not turn him into a boy!puppet, then the chances she would do so were a lot lower.

Hmmm. It was less awkward now, really. It had been horrible before, but now it was less so. It actually functioned properly most all the time, he was sure. But before he could voice that thought, the call of 'food fight!' reached his ears, and the prefect's shoulders slumped with a groan.

Because he was a prefect, even if he didn't want to be Raiden Kururugi tonight.

"Work beckons us," he muttered, flicking his wrist; again, the motion was nearly imperceptible. "So much for anonymity."

Taking Nia's hand, he pushed away from the wall and stepped closer to the small children who thought it was a good idea to throw food at a ball.


"Stop. Now." He made very sure that his wand in his right hand was visible. "This is a ball, not a baby pen. If you want to throw things at each other and cause a scene, you can leave."
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