Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
"I admire your ambition," she answered easily, her left had going to fiddle with her bangle once more. "And, with a bit of determination to succeed, I'm sure we'll by flying round that dance floor."
"Yes," Nia replied. "You. Are. A. Dollop Head." There was a steely serious look on her face, with her chin tilted upwards so somehow she could look down her nose at him despite being shorter. How she was managing to hold it was anyone's guess, giving her lack of acting skills previously. "I think you'll find it is a word." One she'd made up. For him. Right there. He should be honoured really.
She caught the smile, and wondered what he was thinking of. She rocked on her heels, wiggling her toes again as she went backwards. She liked the idea of being in fabric ballet shoes. They were comfortable. She laid her hands flat on her skirt, and pondered his words.
"I suppose so," Nia said, laying her head to one side. Her fringe fell across her eyes, and she attempted to shake it out of the way. It didn't work, and instead caught up in her eyelashes as she went to blink. "Wouldn't a bit late by then?" she questioned softly. Was he hinting that only he could take off the mask? Because, otherwise - why would it need figuring out? Not that she wanted to remove his mask. Because that would end their fun. Or at least, the mob of fans heading their way would put an end to it. Plus...maybe it was helping his 'character' and letting him relax.
"I'll try," she said, nibbling the inside of her lip as if she was nervous about such a daunting task. "It won't be at all easy to stop completely." Because it was funnn. Hehe. As his fingertip tapped on her arm, Nia looked up hopefully with wide eyes. "I'll do it. I will. For you." For a few minutes, maybe...
It took a moment for Nia to get his meaning. About his actual heart. At first, she'd found the killing bit rather disturbing, despite the tone of his voice. And then it had clicked. Had could she have been quite so slow on the uptake there? Tut, Nia, tut.
"You should tell it not to be so awkward." That's what she'd do. "If I could, I'd fix it. Nothing much worse than a broken heart..." Not that she'd really know. She hadn't exactly had the chance to get one, a metaphorical one. She was most definitely single. Which was nice, because it meant she could come with Raiden to the ball and it not matter. But at the same time...she felt like she was missing out on something.
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