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Old 11-01-2010, 03:57 PM   #1239 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Okie dokie, here's the next one.

Banner by Me

Emily and George were sitting in the living room of Aunt Muriel’s house with Fred and Ginny sitting around them. Mrs. Weasley was rocking Amelia to sleep in one of the bedrooms as George held an already sleeping Sirius. It was late and Emily was nodding off against George’s shoulder.

“Owe!” Ginny exclaimed suddenly as her hand flew to her pocket. Sirius stirred in George’s arms, but he didn’t wake up.

Ginny pulled out a galleon that Emily recognized as one of the fake galleons they had used for Dumbledore’s Army. Emily stared at it in terror. There could be only one reason they would contact now.

“What does it say?” Emily asked quietly. Fred, George, and Emily all stared at Ginny expectantly.

“It says that Harry, Hermione, and Ron are at Hogwarts. We’re going to fight,” she whispered. Emily stared at the coin, wishing the coin’s message would change. George stood up quickly and went to tuck Sirius into his bed. Emily quickly followed him. His wand was already in his hand and he was pulling on some sneakers. She grabbed the one he reached for and threw it across the room. Sirius stirred in his crib, but, again, didn’t waken.

“No,” Emily whispered. He didn’t look up at her as he tied the laces of his other shoe. He summoned the one she threw and tied it up as well. “You can’t go,” she whispered.

“I have to,” he said quietly.

“Then I’m going too,” Emily said as she made for her shoes. George stood in her path.

“You can’t. You have to stay with the twins. That way if something happens to me, they’ll have you,” he said quietly, still not meeting her eyes.

“Like bloody hell I’m going to let you go fight while I have to stay here, wondering if you’re coming home to me,” Emily said firmly, angry tears spilling from her eyes.

“Emily, please,” he whispered. Emily stepped closer to him and cupped his face in her hands.

She knew, right then, that he had no intentions of letting her go. She kissed his lips urgently. Her hands knotted into his hair as he grabbed at the cloth on her back. Emily’s tears ran freely down her cheeks as she kissed her husband for what could have been the last time. Their lips parted, and without looking back, George left the room, tears coming from his eyes as well. She heard the front door close as she collapsed on her bed and cried.

Sirius stirred in his crib and started crying silently. Emily quickly got out of bed and picked him up. She rocked him as he stopped crying. She felt that maybe he knew that his Daddy had left to go fight, where he might not come back. Molly came into the room and looked round at her.

“What’s happened?” she asked in shock as she set Amelia in her crib.

“Hogwarts… They’re fighting,” Emily whispered. Molly’s confused face suddenly understood.

“They went, didn’t they?” she asked in a horrified whisper. Emily nodded once and Mrs. Weasley left the room in a hurry. Emily watched after her as she heard her calling Arthur’s name. After another five minutes, she heard the door close for a second time. Emily looked down at the twins as she thought about the battle that would surely ensue.

With her chest rising and falling quickly, she made up her mind as she set Sirius on her bed and grabbed his jacket. She put his little arms through it and then fished Amelia’s out. She put it on gently, careful not to wake her. She grabbed their diaper bag after she quickly slipped into some comfortable shoes. She checked her pocket for her wand and then picked up the twins, who were now strapped into their double carrier. She walked swiftly to the door and, after making it outside, Apparated to Andromeda’s.

She didn’t bother knocking as she swung the door open.

“Andromeda? Tonks? Anyone here?” she called out.

“In here,” Tonks replied. She followed her voice and found them in the living room. Tonks was setting Teddy into his crib, already asleep. Andromeda was sitting in the chair staring at Tonks intently.

“Andromeda? Do you think you could watch the twins for me? There’s somewhere I need to be…” Emily said as she set the twins down.

“You’re going, too, aren’t you?” she asked quietly. Emily side glanced at Tonks, who was pulling out her wand. Emily nodded slowly.

“Yes, I’ll watch them… If that’s what you want,” she said slowly.

“Why don’t you put them in the crib with Teddy?” Tonks suggested. Emily nodded and started un-strapping Amelia.

Emily walked slowly to the crib. “I love you so much, Millie,” Emily whispered as she kissed her forehead and set her gently in the crib next to Teddy. She got Sirius out of his seat and kissed his forehead. His eyes were still open as her tears flowed down her cheek. “Mommy and Daddy love you very much, Sirius,” she whispered. Sirius grabbed a handful of her hair, but she gently pulled it from his reach and set him beside his sister.

“Thanks, Andromeda,” she whispered as she turned away from her children.

“Ready?” Tonks asked quietly. She had already said her good-byes to Teddy and Andromeda. Emily nodded and they headed for the door. Emily and Tonks arrived in the Hog’s Head, an elderly witch following behind them; it was Neville’s grandmother. They made their way up the stairs and down a long corridor until they made it to the other side of a portrait and into the Room of Requirement. Ginny was inside and she flung her arms around Emily’s neck. The next thing Emily knew, Harry, Hermione, and Ron burst through the door.

Emily was panicking slightly. What if she was too late? She pushed the thoughts aside as Harry told Tonks that Remus was supposed to lead a group of fighters on the grounds.

“Where’s George?” Emily blurted out.

“He’s helping conceal the passageways into the school,” Harry replied. Emily nodded and followed after Tonks.

She ran up and down the corridors, wand in hand. She saw a few people fighting already, and threw any curse she could their way, but she kept looking for George. As she turned the corner to where the secret passageway into Honeydukes was, she spotted him and a small group of students. She paused momentarily as they fought off three Death Eaters.

Emily watched as one of the Death Eaters pointed his wand at George’s chest. George was preoccupied with another Death Eater and hadn’t noticed yet.

What do you think?
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