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Leaning down closer to the tank, the fourth year peered inside before jumping back in surprise as something suddenly flung itself onto the glass, scaring her slightly. Darn creature.
Taking a deep breath, to calm her nerves and to try and keep a straight face, Evelyn turned her head towards Mia, nodding a bit at what she said. Well that was good. It wasn’t like she or Destiny were helping with her with the Carter situation, and she’d think that Destiny would stay away from that topic. It was a shame she couldn’t stay away from it for long. And with no Professor in sight? Oh, this could end badly.
…What? "Salander?" she repeated, glancing towards Marie. Well, Evelyn supposed not all guys Marie hung around were all that bad. Salander was decent enough. "Well I hope she is. Salander is…good." For her. Well, as far as she knew, the Slytherin guy was just someone she liked, so he was good enough. One pinky out of line though and he was toast.
She couldn’t help it anymore. The small chuckles and snickers escaping her could alert even the most oblivious person across the room that something was up. "I'm sorry…Mia. Relax. Really. If you’re a friend of Marie’s then you’re a friend of ours." Regardless of the fact that Evelyn did not like any of the boy’s Marie had…befriended. Except Evan. Now why didn’t they work out again? Then again, Mia was not a boy.
"I'm just messing with you." With a few remaining laughs, Evelyn wrote down what the creature was and any other characteristics of it, including a haphazard sketch before taking a step towards the next station area. "So we know how you and Destiny met, what with troll stalker dude on the train and all... but how did you meet Marie?"
Noticing the deep breath, Mia wore a quizzical look on her face. Surely this girl couldn't be as nervous as Mia was right now. She didn't exactly have a lot of girl friends and it would be nice to have some more but she figured she could cross Destiny off that last.
She looked over at the other two girls for a moment and sighed deeply. One of these days she might actually think before she spoke. Turning back to Evelyn when she spoke, Mia broke in to a smile.
"Yeah Sal is good." And if Mia wasn't so busy being infatuated with someone else she might have given the guy a second look. But from what she guessed about Sal, he was a lot like her in that he wasn't really interested in anything serious.
And then Evelyn was snickering and Mia sucked in a breath until the girl spoke again and the relief washed over her and she let out her breath slowly. "Oh. Ha ha. You had me there for a minute." She gave a nervous chuckle but was glad that Evelyn seemed to accept her.
Mia finished writing down her description and then laughed at the stalker comment. "Oh we met out on the grounds. We kind of ran into each other. Well actually I think I ran into her and we got to talking. Sort of. She was a bit down when I met her and I think she just wanted to be alone but I kinda pestered the crap out of her until she told me what was bothering her. I think it was just to shut me up to be honest."
She looked over at Destiny and Marie again and grinned. She didn't bother to mention that Marie had scared the crap out of her and made her fall into a bush, that didn't need to be repeated. "You and Destiny seemed to be really tight. Did you two know each other before you came to school?"