Thread: Food Tables
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Old 10-31-2010, 12:56 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

"Hmm...maybe, but I think he'd be a bit more of a reptile if he dressed up as an animal," Nia said, looking back over to the where the person in the cow suit was having a conversation with the Care of Mag-... Or not, as she quickly turned on her heel with a plate of food. "I should think it does. Certainly one of the more unique choices of outfit." Though the banana costume, that had to come right up there too.

As she turned her head back, Nia caught sign that she had got the right guy. They said everyone had a 'tell' of sorts. A habit. Something you did in a certain situation. Not that she could see his ear, with that long hair. But the position, and lack of another reason meant he was most likely to be fiddling with an earring or stud. And subconsciously, she ended up mirroring the action, with her own earring. If she could have seen his, she would have noticed the similarity in style - as she was wearing a pair of silver studs set with a clear crystal.

She chuckled. "Not a lot," she answered, her lips turning upwards into a smile. "And they were being decidedly un-helpful. I mean, wonky wings would be useless practically. You'd just fly round in circles." At least they were sorted now. Shame they didn't allow her to fly though. That would have saved time down the stairs. They were cute though.

Warm now too. She blinked. He was referring to her blushes, right? Which meant he was on top form. The problem was, now she had realised that, she was threatening to break character. He had such an advantage wearing mask! Especially with her history of blushing. Around one particular person. At a ball.

She tried to focus on his next words, and in the process ignoring the flush of blood heading for her cheeks that may or may not show visibly. Hopefully with the low lighting it wouldn't. "Oh," she said, looking behind her, and taking the opportunity to look away and fix her facial expression. "I don't think I can. Maybe you could point her out?"

And then, her turn to play a bit more too. "Lots of young men, yes. But only one quite like him." She tilted her head, looking at him. "Respected. Clever. Sly. A leader, hidden in plain sight. Evidently well disguised."
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