Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
He turned around at the sound of her voice. "Hey Pink Ranger," he was all grins behind his mask as he looked at her. He rather thought she should ear more pink, but he wasn't going to tell her that. He knew she hated pink but she had worn the costume for her. He gathered her up in a hug. "Thank you for wearing this," he whispered in her ear before letting her go.
He picked up a plate, "Do you want something?" he asked. He was going to fix her plate first if she wanted something to nibble on.
Selena hugged him back smiling though kinda hating him for the pinkness and all. Pink was not her color. She should've gone as a green one. Because who didn't like green?
"No problem, next time you're wearing pink though," she said, smirking behind her mask, though he obviously couldn't see that. hehehe. She was just joking... but still.
Looking at the options that were spread out on the table she shrugged. Decisions, decisions. Why were they so hard to make?
"Uhm... pie?" she said with a slight giggle, because pie was good.