Adventures of Rhea in the Muggle World - Sa13+ Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire Traveling Muggle Style
A suitcase??? Rhea eyed the thing. Why did she have to drag this thing around? There was nothing remotely convenient about it. She wanted her trunk! Ugh! She folded in her clothes, all muggle attire, seeing as Torin and Sav insisted that she dressed normally. She did dress normally, it was the muggles who dressed weird and carried around useless suitcase contraptions that could barely fit anything inside. To be safe she packed her magical pouch that she threw all her other stuff into and tossed it on top of her suitcase which she then kicked the flap onto and proceeded to jump on it, in order to shut the thing.
Rhea grumbled as she dragged the suitcase behind her into this so called airport or whatever. She had never been into one before. She squealed when she approached the door and found that it opened for her. She looked around her. No one was looking so she made several trips back and fourth in and out of the automatic door, until finally an airport police told her to cut it out. Muggles were so mean. She didn't understand how it affected anyone if she simple walked in and out the door. Stiff shirts. Then that escamater business was just rough, she had gone up the wrong one and her suitcase rolled all the way down and she couldn't get off it, until thankfully a nice man helped her off it.
The flight to New York wasn't smooth either.
After taking her seat she got up to 'explore the plane'. As soon as the hostesses were out of sight she made her way to the cockpit, only to be stopped by one of the pilots. "You're not allowed around here." He said blocking her path. Rhea frowned.
"I'm only looking around Mister muggle" She said with her hands on her hips.
"What the blazes did you call me?"
Rhea almost repeated the word to the man but then stopped herself. Right. The whole secrecy stuff.
"I asked what those shiny blinking light stuff are for?" She asked trying to look past him. The pilot took her hand and tried pulling her out.
"Ma'am, I'm going to ask you to leave one more time or I'll through you from the plane." The pilot said, his face reflecting every bit of annoyance that he felt.
"That's fine I can fly." She frowned and walked away, leaving the pilot blinking dumb foundedly at her disappearing back. He wasn't quite positive that the young woman said what she said.
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Last edited by AmbiguouslyMe; 01-06-2011 at 01:10 AM.