Ready for the twins??

Banner by Me “Time to wake up, sleepy head,” George whispered as he nudged Emily lightly. Emily groaned and he chuckled.
“Five more minutes,” she said as she pulled the covers farther up her body.
“You said that ten minutes ago,” he chuckled.
Emily opened one of her eyes and peeked at him.
“You’re cruel,” she said as she threw the covers off of herself and started scooting out of the bed.
“I love you,” he snickered.
“Mmmhmm,” she said. She stood up and started stretching her arms, only to pull them back in and grab her stomach.
“Mommy didn’t mean to startle you, just stretching,” she said as she rubbed her belly. George gave her a worried expression as he put his hand where she had just finished rubbing.
“They’re still kicking?” he asked quietly. Emily nodded.
“It’s normal, George, it’s what they’re supposed to do,” she said with a smile.
“Don’t worry about it,” she said as she kissed his cheek.
“Do you want to go see Carlisle?” he asked.
“Er, no, I’m sure everything’s fine, babe. Stop worrying,” she said with another smile. He gave her a tiny smile as he pulled on some pants.
“They’re due any day now,” he said quietly.
“I know,” she sighed.
“Maybe you should go lie down on the couch and I’ll bring you your breakfast,” he offered.
“You don’t need to baby me,” she huffed.
“I’m plenty able to get my own bloody breakfast!”
“I never said you weren’t, sweetheart. I’m just trying to make you more comfortable,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. His hands almost didn’t even touch. He kissed her shoulder as she sighed.
“Mmmkay,” she said.
“Can I have eggs, bacon, toast, and waffles?” she asked with a smile.
George chuckled at her appetite.
“Sure thing, love,” he said as he took her hand and led her down the hall and into the living room. Tonks and Teddy were already sitting there. Remus was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for them as George helped her into a chair. She let out a deep sigh as she sat down against the cushions and pillows.
“My back is killing me,” she complained. Tonks laughed at her as Teddy held his hands out to Emily. Emily smiled at him.
“Do you want him?” Tonks asked with a chuckle. Emily nodded and George picked Teddy up and put him in her lap. He immediately started playing with her curls.
“I’m surprised your ankles aren’t completely swollen to where you can’t stand,” Tonks said as she eyed Emily’s ankles.
“Thank God they’re not,” Emily sighed. Emily grabbed her stomach as one of the twins kicked again. Teddy put his hand over hers and smiled.
“Teddy, I’m going to let you go with your Mommy while I go use the bathroom,” Emily said to him. Tonks stood up and picked Teddy up as Remus rounded the corner.
“Help?” she asked him. He chuckled as he grabbed her hands and helped heave her off the chair. Emily walked slowly toward the downstairs bathroom. She was about to walk in when she suddenly stopped and stared down at the now wet floor.
“Umm, George?” she said quietly. Nobody seemed to have heard her, so she yelled,
“George!” She heard commotion from the kitchen as he dropped whatever he was holding onto the floor. Remus reached her first.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, out of breath.
“I think my water broke!” she whispered. George was at her side in a jiffy as he took her hand and led her to their bedroom. Remus and George helped her into bed as Tonks called Carlisle.
“Remember your breathing, Ems,” George said exasperatedly. Remus put a hand on his shoulder.
“Breathe, son, everything’s going to be fine,” he said calmly. George just nodded as he stared at Emily’s face. Tears were leaking from her eyes as she clutched at the cloth around her belly.
George grabbed Emily’s hand and she clutched it so tightly that her nails started drawing blood.
“They’re coming now!” she cried as her contractions started.
“Everything’s okay, Ems,” George said loudly. She nodded as Carlisle zipped through the room.
After many shouts, tears, pushes, and screams, Emily and George sat side by side on the clean sheets of their bed as they each held one of their children. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Fred, and the Morgans had all arrived and were now standing around the room with Tonks, Remus, Teddy, Andromeda, and Carlisle.
George looked over at Emily with a tear in his eye.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“Forever and Always,” she replied with a grin as she kissed his lips.
“Welcome to the world, Amelia Tonks Weasley and Sirius Black Weasley,” she whispered as she looked down at the twins. Tonks gasped as she heard the names. They had kept the twins’ names a secret until now.
“Did you just say—?” Tonks asked in shock.
“After the one and only,” Emily said softly. Tonks had a tear well up in her eye as Remus kissed her cheek.
“I love the names,” Remus whispered.
“Me too, daddy,” she whispered.
“Amelia, Sirius, I would like you to meet your grandparents,” she said as she picked up Sirius’ little hand and waved it at Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and then at Tonks and Remus.
“Do you want to hold him?” she asked Mrs. Weasley, who smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically. She took Sirius from her hands as Remus took hold of Amelia.
Emily snuggled up into George’s side. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but her figure was the same as it was before she was pregnant, and she was forever grateful. She had changed into a T-shirt of George’s and some loose shorts.
“Can you believe we made them?” she whispered into his neck as she stared at Amelia.
“They’re perfect, just like their mother,” he said softly. Emily smiled as she kissed his neck.
“I think Amelia looks like you,” she whispered. He chuckled lightly.
“I think Sirius looks like you,” he said back. Emily smiled widely. Sirius had a patch of auburn colored hair on top of his head while Amelia’s was a brighter shade of red.
“I think Amelia looks more like me, actually,” Fred said with a huge grin. Emily rolled her eyes as George started laughing.
“How are you feeling?” George asked.
“Tired,” she replied.
“But I don’t want to go to sleep yet.” George nodded as he kissed her temple.
“And you’re totally giving me a back massage tonight,” she said with authority.
George chuckled lightly.
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered. Ginny giggled lightly as she sat at the end of the bed.
“You’re an Aunt,” Emily whispered.
“I know! It’s hard to believe,” she gushed.
“They’re beautiful.”
“Thanks, sis,” Emily chuckled.
Teddy started squirming in Andromeda’s arms, reaching for Emily. Andromeda brought him over to her as Emily held her arms out for him too. He snuggled up on her chest and started chewing on a piece of her hair. Allison started doing the same thing, so Emily took her too. Allison propped herself up, halfway on George’s lap and halfway on Emily’s. Fred sat down next to Ginny as the grandparents drifted towards the window of the room with the twins.
They were all one big happy family—A happy family that would soon be ripped apart.
What do you think?