Hello ~Otty. Let me start off saying I loved your chapter! And speaking of chapters, maybe the title should be Forty Something. I can't remember the no. correctly. 47?, 48?, or is it 43? You know, the answer to all ... the universe? Never mind, I can't say what it is I'm trying to think.

Oh well, it's just you answered all my questions I asked from a couple comments ago, all in this chapter.

Except Hermione. Yes, she is still comotose. But, what I was saying was, I'm thinking she's having visions in her sleep from that Indian guy she was reading about from the picture on the wall, or was it a book she was reading. From the very first time you talked of her in Human Nature.
Neways, whatever I write for Nano, sometimes we dump excerpts in the Nano thread here on SS I'll let you all know so you can see how awful my writing really is when it's not edited for competence I mean. XP
I look forward to reading your progress. I won't be looking for mistakes though. I'm anxious to see what you write about.
cuz I couldn't hear music while writing it

I thought we was listening to, 'America' Horse With No Name. Just substituting Horse with Post.
To nothing really, not when he compared what he had seen to what he gazed at now.
~Otty, I love how simple you write your brilliancy! Summing up his worth and all that he is, everywhere he's been, because of what he was born to and what he worked to become. All is nothing to what he sees before him. That alone tells us what he is looking at is beyound grand.
So funny!
He mumbled in his sleep watched over by his mother who worried so for him, reluctant to touch him and wake him for he needed to rest but wanting to ease his troubled mind.
Poor, poor, poor, poor, Ron. And Molly is such a wonder isn't she? I do love her, even though she shelters her children an Mr. Weasley too much.
And still elsewhere in Hogwarts a trio of boys yawned and set about disguising their notes with invisible ink lest their list of possible allies and recruits fall into the wrong hands
Loved this part! Neville's reply to Nicholas as he went off to bed was royal! Loved it!
“Decapitation is the best method of destroying zombies........
See, you even answered my question about how to kill Zombies! How wonderful! Gross but nice to know.
Well, ~Otts I love your story, and I love how you write and present it. I'll be watching for your next post. I'd tell yu good luck with your Nanoing, but luck isn't what you need. Apparently all you need is a stack of music to listen to while you write. Next time.