SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant Aethonan
Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole Gryffindor Third Year | Don't look at me like that, I never said I'd only kill Ottery ... *evilgrin* Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert Connie: Thank you for all your compliments Connie love, you're too sweet. You've got me blushing, I wish I were so good. But yes, I'm watching HBO's Rome right now so I've got The Republic on the brain, dang good show if you're old enough to rent it, check it out.
It surprises me how much the Roman Senate of the tv show is like modern politics. Pity really, it's all class struggle, I should throw that into my story but everyone is rich in my story so it makes it rather difficult, but then again I could use those ambiguities ... we shall see.
Neways, no Romans in this post but werewolves, hope you like neways Droo: I'm glad you're liking it boss, I'm hoping to keep everyone's interest long enough to segue into Zombie♥love And I hope you like this song ... it's by Wham! I ♥ George Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hey Lari, or should I say fellow Nanoer I don't know how this fic is going to fare when Nano starts ... it's so close and I don't have a plot ... then again this story doesn't have a plot either so makes for fun times, no? I think so Eviee <33:My reply was not small perhaps in size but not depth of eloquence and grandness of sentiment and words ... *takes the pulpit*
Friends, Romans, countrymen ... lend me your ears, or fifty quid if you got them I'm dying to buy Katie Perry's last CD and a few other songs on iTunes, ney?
But I digress ... eloquently I might add, purple is a regal color Eviee I'll have you know, and the upper classes being as they always are separating themselves from us uhm, plebes, at one point in the era of Shakespeare to my knowledge decreed that only they could wear certain colors or materials, such as silk, though I find it highly doubtful many peasants could afford silk then ... or now for that matter.
So purple it is. And democracy ... w00t for liberty and equality! *fires the cannons* The cannons were getting dusty ...
You all need to youtube this wham song seriously ... I ♥ it.
Nanowrimo is this crazy thing people of questionable sanity such as myself undertake to write 50k words in a month. You don't really get a prize or anything it's just for bragging rights and obviously come next year there's an editing month and then you've got yourself a manuscript you can send to publishers and whatnot ... so ... this is my 3rd year going ... you should try it if you love writing. I just assume that everyone loves it like me and can't live without writing tons of sentences about their thoughts, or stories or philosophies etc. Ergo my utter hate of Facebook and Twitter which just make you write really teeeny tiny posts ... but I digress again.
Yes, Zombie♥Love will be love, copyright me and all rights reserved etc. Whatever ... Ottery's zombie corpse comes back to avenge himself against the forces of Voldemort ... what are they doing? Hmm ... you should all worry I'll write it into the fic soon ... 
Thank you for all the sweet words Evviee and I hope this reply was more ... satisfactory or at least longer than my last one ... You know I do this at ungodly hours of the night or morning right when sane people sleep right? LOL Hence my lack of coherence sometimes and teh typos ... *leaves that one in to prove a point*
So ... Chapter: If you were there you’d know … you're the one that makes my day a dream come true
yet and still you wander if i think of you
you ought to see how the other girls behave when you're not round
and only then you would know that it's on your finger i'm wound:
if you were there you'd know  ~Wham, If you were there “This was supposed to be a simple ‘snatch and grab’ job but noooooo, sneaking up on werewolves is difficult under the best of circumstances but when my boyfriend wakes up, decides he’s hungry and has a Philly cheese steak right before a job, well … and what the devil is a Philly cheese steak any ways?”
That was what Madison was planning on writing in her journal when she got home, she was also plotting ways to get back at Freddy for being such an oaf. Most of them involved her withholding her affections and torturing his blasted soul and weak body in a million infernal ways both physical and mostly mental.
“Seriously, you had to eat steak before we came to the monastery?” Madison yelled as she backhanded one werewolf and blasted another with her wand sending the poor creature slamming into a statue of Mars.
“I’m sorry, baby, I was hungry,” Freddy replied pathetically, himself in the guise of a werewolf. He slashed at another creature’s chest and blasted another with his wand.
“With tons of onions obviously,” Madison answered back. She kicked a werewolf in the groin with her high heels and roundhouse kicked another as he tried to sneak up behind her.
“This does not go well for our side it seems,” a young boy said calmly taking a bite from his apple. The tall pale man next to him did not move. “There’s really only one reason they could be here, and that’s for the antidote. I mean, what the heck else do we have in this monastery? On top of a mountain that takes days to climb away from the world and any comforts and civilization.” There was the slightest note of indignation and annoyance in the young boy’s voice. “Which means someone we sent a kill order on obviously doesn’t like the prospect of death.” Another bite, a crunching sound as teeth tore into firm apple, the boy wiped his chin of juice.
Freddy was not happy snapping and biting, tearing fur and flesh as he fought far away from the proximity of Madison’s dangerous hexes and curses. Her cold calculated precision allowed for every spell to produce the maximum amount of damage and it was always wise not to be around her when she was hexing three enemies at a time.
“So, do we run or what?” the boy asked.
The older man who was standing on the balcony of the castle that overlooked the monastery’s inner courtyard said nothing but he gave the boy a murderous look.
“Don’t be like that Titus, it isn’t my fault your men are inept.” Another bite of the apple.
“Why don’t you go down there and do something, insect? Instead of buzzing around here like a fly,” the older man exclaimed.
“You slobbered on me you … incompetent beast. Do you have any idea how much it costs to clean something like this? It’s silk and it’s white! Aargh!” Madison spread her arms and a blast of wind threw back everyone in her path. “Where’s this stupid flower?! Where?! So help me if you all make me look for it I’m going to tear this monastery apart stone by stone.”
Freddie smiled in spite of himself, he loved her spirit. Howling he didn’t notice the boy with the apple holding a silver knife. Freddie felt a sharp pang as it cut into his back like fire running rampant down his spine and he howled wildly his hands unable to clutch at the blade that was slowly killing him.
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