I've missed my long posts :3 though this isn't really 'long'... Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Those flame lilies were absolutely diviiiiiine.
... errr...
Yeah. Ahem.
Alex straightened up a little and immediately got to work. Maybe he could be remembered for being downright awesome at Herbology?
Or, you know, not.
The young man filled his pot with soil, and just thrust his hands in to sift through the stuff and find any stones, which he casually tossed aside. Once he was satisfied that this was done, the seventh year mad a fist and punched the middle of the soil, making... more of a crater than a hole, so he did it again. "BAM!"
It wasn't working, so the boy had to be boring and make the whole like everyone else before dropping the bulb that he had collected, into it (that would be the Flame Lily... mmmmhm). He swept the soil over the top, reminded distinctly of 'tucking in' the baby bulb, and then placed both hands over the top of the soil and put all his weight on it, so he was soon enough keeping himself up with his hands, feet dangling off the floor and everything.
Alex... might have heard a weird CRAAACK! at this stage, but he couldn't be sure. The boy pulled out his wand, pointed it at the pot, muttered a quick 'Aguamenti!' and stood back.
Which was when he saw the almighty crack that went from somewhere underneath the pot to the front. His guess was it was at the back too. Letting out a strangled cry, Alex acted super quickly. "Reparo!"
And that was that. He'd survived the Planting of the Bulb.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |