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Lislchen Oh, they were so clever. Jeremy refrained from grinning proudly at Fina but simply continued to smile at the class. "Correct to all of you who mentioned Charles Bourseul, Antonio Meucci, Johann Philipp Reis, Alexander Bell, Elisha Gray or Thomas Edison." He quickly flicked his wand at the board to make the names appear so they could copy them down if they wanted to. "Like I said, it is still unsure who exactly was the inventor of the electric telephone, however Bell was the first one to receive a patent for the invention of the telephone." At this he briefly gave Kurumi a small smile, who had mentioned Lewis Lattimer who had been helpful with said patent.
"Furthermore, Thomas Edison is probably one of the most famous of the previously mentioned, because he invented one very essential thing about the electrical telephone. The carbon microphone." He held up the respective part of the red telephone for everybody to see and pointed at the end closest to the cable to indicate that that was were the microphone was. "Can anybody of you tell me what this part of the telephone is called and what the other end is called and used for?" He nodded at said end, waiting for them to reply. Amber was seriously lost. Why did she come to this lesson again? Oh yeah, her parents who think muggles are unimportant and not useful to humanity. She raised her hand uncertainly.
"Umm... is it called the ear piece?" She'd seen a kid listening to a thin box with these strings sticking out of it. He had the strings in his ears and he was singing, so were those strings the same as this stick... thing?