Originally Posted by
"Why is she even here if you two cant stand eachother",Fee asked a lttle confused.
Why would Court invite someone to fight with her?!
"Awwww Couuuuuurt", she hugged her bestie,"and you are mine."
Court shrugged.
"I invited in the hope she'd actually try to be civil with me, I don't wannafight anymore, not to mention she started it in the first place. But obviously she doesn't know the meaning of civil" she explained.
She hugged Fee back and siled.
"Truth needs to be told" she said. Well it did.
Originally Posted by
Ginny went up to hug Courtney as she went in. "Hey Court", she said. "How have you been?", she asked as she had a quick look at the room she was in and smiled at her.
Court returned Ginny's hug and smiled.
"I've been good thanks. Yourself?" she replied.
Originally Posted by
Miss Evi3e <3
Enya jumped and jerked her hand away when she felt someone slam it down. SHe whirled round and glared at the man before her. She had only been looking inside the fridge for some food, what was wrong with that!? She folded her arms and continued to glare.
"Excuse me! I was only looking for food as you have no manners in putting some in the living room. There are guest in this house you know" She said through gritted teeth.
Her hand hurt, but she wouldn't say, and it was beginning to sting. She secretly rubbed it against her side and she glared at the ugly looking man before her and waited for his answer.
"Next time don't touch me!" She added, thinking of her stinging hand.
Levi narrowed his eyes at the girl and was extremely mad. "Manners get you further. Next time you want something, you ask not just help yourself. Besides, you weren't expected for another hour. Learn to respect you olders. I don't know who you are but you won't get away with helping yourself here litte Miss brat of the century" he replied. O yeah, he was harsh. Especially to greedy intruders.