connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow Lexi did the greeting, and Sage just sort of ... stood there. Nodding at the various students as they wandered into the greenhouse. And was it just him, or were several of them shooting suspicious glances in his and Lexi's direction...?
There wasn't anything fishy about a joint lesson, was there?
Before he knew it, he had a scarf wrapped around his neck courtesy of Lexi.. apparently had his 'twitch fixed,' and was being called a creepy other guy. Frown.
"That would be Professor Dodson, thank you very much." Why was it he only seemed to have trouble with the Slytherins..? "Everyone make sure you're sitting by a pot, class will be starting in a couple of minutes!" Hmph.
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