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Old 10-20-2010, 01:05 AM   #10 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Lexi 2...brought her a scarf?!

"Oh! ...Oh my Merlin!" Lexi exclaimed, a huge smile spreading across her face. She seriously had some of the greatest students in the world, as they seemed to always be bringing her cake, bubblegum, ferrets, a scarf! "Miss Denver, it's gorgeous! Thank you so much!" She gave the girl a warm smile then unfolded the scarf, pausing for a few seconds to admire it.

When she was done with the meeting and greeting, she turned toward Sage and wrapped the scarf around him, smiling as she did so. "Isn't it soft?" she asked him. She'd get it back from him after class.
Lexi 2 smiled brightly and said, "You are very welcome, Professor! Just my way of saying thanks for being such an awesome Head of House. Glad you like it." SHe kind of grimaced then as she turned toward Dodson. She hadn't thought to bring him anything. Oh well... Giving them both a little wave she made her way to a work station.

WHA? Did she really just wrap that scarf around his neck and call him SAGE. Hmmm... Very interesting. Maybe she could take a few notes for her Quill article while she was in class.
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