Thread: Harry Potter: Now, Forever, and Always - Sa16+
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Old 10-19-2010, 03:35 PM   #365 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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The next morning, Hermione received the Prophet and confirmed what Alicia had seen. Ten Death Eaters had escaped Azkaban. Draco stared at the picture of his aunt with dislike.

What do we do?” Emily whispered, her eyes on the jeering photo of Antonin Dolohov.

We continue to wait... He’ll make his move soon and then we’ll react” Alicia said, flipping the paper over so that she didn’t have to look at it. “Oh, and page seven holds a small piece about a Ministry employee dying... His name is Broderick Bode, he was the one in Lockhart’s ward- strangled by Devil’s Snare...” She added, glancing at Harry as he opened his mouth.

He worked in the Department of Mysteries... He was an Unspeakable!” Ron said quickly and Hermione jumped to her feet.

Where are you going?” Jamie asked as she rolled up the paper.

She’s sending a letter...” Alicia muttered, staring off into nothing.

The next few days found everyone talking about the escaped Death Eaters or Hagrid being on probation. Alicia announced that people were starting to question the Prophet’s version of events. Neville was becoming much better in DA meetings, which Draco was now joining in with. The fourteenth of February rolled through and the Hogsmeade trip arrived.

Listen, Harry, this is really important” Hermione said, reading a letter she had just received. “Do you think you could meet me in the Three Broomsticks around midday?

Well... I dunno, Cho might want me to spend the whole day with her...” He said as Emily dropped onto the bench.

What have you got Alicia for her birthday?” She asked, pulling out a neatly wrapped parcel.

A dress... Well bring her along if you must... But will you come?” Hermione said urgently, turning back to Harry.

Well, all right- but why?” He asked and she ignored him, hurrying out of the hall to reply to the letter. Alicia passed her with a frown on her face, wearing a ice blue sweater dress that Jamie had given her last night. She had the sapphire earrings Draco had given her for Christmas on too. She skipped up the tables, getting a few looks from some of the boys.

Happy valentines day” She grinned, hugging Emily and putting small present in front of her.

Happy birthday” Emily laughed, handing over her present, returning the smile.

So, what have you all got planned today?” Alicia said, staring intently at Jamie as he sat opposite her.

I’m meeting Cho and then Hermione said something about the Three Broomsticks at noon...” Harry muttered.

Quidditch practice...” Ginny and Ron said, putting two more gifts on the table. “Happy birthday...” Ginny added, giving her a smile.

Right... So, apart from you and Ron, can everyone else come to the Three Broomsticks? It is my birthday...” She added, looking at Jamie’s serene face again. “That’s it... What are you hiding?” She snapped suddenly, glaring at him.

Emily laughed as he pulled yet another present from his bag while Draco dropped into the seat next to her.

Here, Alicia... Happy birthday” He said, passing over a small wrapped parcel. Alicia hugged him and began to shred the paper off everything in front of her.

Draco had given her a necklace to match her earrings, which Emily helped her put on. Harry had given her a selection of books by a Muggle author called Jane Austin. Hermione’s was another black dress with a white collar. Ron’s was sweets, as was Ginny’s. Jamie’s second present was a dark blue cloak with white fur edging the hood.

Thank you guys!” Alicia said, smiling widely. After that, they walked towards the gates and towards the village, leaving one by one to go their separate ways.

Jamie...” Alicia said quietly, swinging their hands as they walked down the high street. “What did you get me for valentines day?” He smiled and wrapped an arm round her shoulders.

What do you want?” He said as they turned towards the pub.

I don’t know... I got you a gold chain... It’s under your pillow” He laughed and tousled her scarlet curls.

Well... It’s a good thing I got you a gold necklace then, isn’t it?” He said, grinning as he pulled the box out of his pocket. It was a fine gold chain with a heart shaped ruby pendant.

Thank you” She said, stretching to kiss his cheek.



I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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