Hello ~Otty. Ah, so masterfully written. Everybit of it. There will be no highlighting from this post because it was all my favorite. I sooooooo loved the recollection, and look forward to reading more of them as poor Ottery
I can't even say it. Moving on, Tiffany needs to get some sleep too. Or is she having flashbacks also. At anyrate I love the scene of the dragon flying off carrying his passengers to their destination or drop off point. Very peaceful and so very sweet.
Angel is cool, but he's in over his head ...
I did get that impression.
I've been watching Rome, an imminently quotable HBO show, and that's were I got Plebeian from, I knew the word but the way the Senators use it to talk about the common people is ... well it's sad, really. Just goes to show you, Rome wasn't as democratic as we thought, it was a Republic and it got me to thinking about Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers and the whole, only citizens can vote and the only citizens are those who were enlisted and served in the army for X number of years and I realized how flawed the universe is
Talk of minds running together. I thought immediately of, Ben Hur, for the same reason! If you have read about him from early childhood it shows exactly the same as you was talking about. Very sad indeed the grotesque image of the inner man we're given by the high officials and their lust for power over the lower beings. If only they could see the picture they paint of themselves. There's no killing the artist, because they paint the picture themselves. Great post ~Otty. I'm sorry if I rambled, it's too late for me. Must get to bed. Night.