Originally Posted by
Hermione_loves_Ron Graciiiiieee!
So, I tried to give you a Hufflepuffy theme, haha. I think I made that pretty obvious, though.
Is it okay? I didn't want it to be too extreme, though! D: Let me know what you think! :3 I love her hair, it's so pretty! :3
I'm speechless, that's.. A MILLION times better than I ever imagined it to be myself,
those are absolutely PERFECT! I loooooove them, they're amazing!
She looks even prettier with what you did, and the Hufflepuffy background is just LOVE.
*squeeeee* I cannoooot wait to use them, thank you soooo very much, Ashhh!
*clings* You are the BEST! <3333
Also, loooooove the grab-bag; those giraffes are SO awesome.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And I'll soooo be back soon.