Awhh! I love the first post Whit!

you fail, because you called it SUCKY. Which it is NOT. No.No.No.
“I’ll let you wear a pretty dress.”
“It can be orange.”
“You can wear orange glitter heels.”
Cody: *snickers* Oh c'mon Torinnn, embrace your feminine side, we all know you want to. And you get ORANGE! To match the streak you WILL get in your hair. Quote:
He was 6’6, and she was only 4’10.
xD This difference made me giggle like WOAH.
“I always knew that pink was your colour.”
Cody; *snort* Yes Torin, pink is definitely your color, specially when it comes to a dress. You should wear pink dresses more often. *smiiiirk*
I love this fic, I love Tamorin, and I love YOU.