Originally Posted by
MissFeenella "Woooow thats far",Fee said nodding her head.
And Tay's sister wanted to marry like this? Woa.
"Ohh little babys are soooo sweet", she smiled,"i love babys."
Twirling a lock around her finger she tought of how could it would be if she had a little baby sister ot brother.
"Of course she will",Fee giggled,"i guess you will make her all fashionable?!"
"Oh, completely! I hope it's a girl- my sister refuses to tell me for some reason!" Taylor says.
"Haha, my sister adored me when i was a baby apparantly, she'd just try and pick me up and stuff! And dress me up, but my mum had to draw the line there!"
"Y'know, i hope i have a girl eventually- i mean, little baby boys are cute, but you just can't dress them up in cute clothes like you can with girlies!" she says laughing with Fee. "Do you want to have kids?" she asks her friend.