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She sighed and turned back to Fee. "Sorry about that. Nw this is what I call public enemies" she joked slightly. Anyways.
Moving on!
Court led the girls to the living room where the TV was still switched on. [color=royalblue"]"Ermmmmm, I invited about 14 people but I'm not sure how many are coming. I think they all are"[/color] she told Fee. She knew Katie, Grace, Selena, Ginny and Callie were also coming.
Fee raised an eyebrow at the other girl and turned back to Court smiling.
"She is probably just jealous",Fee whispered so only Court could hear and winked at her.
What was this girl doing here if she doesnt even like Court?!
"I am sure they all come", she smiled,
"who would want to miss this."