Originally Posted by
Hello Emily.

Aren't you being a little silly? Who do you think ever stopped loving you?! It could never happen.

It didn't seem long at all.
Really? It felt long to me. And if you look on my chapter guides on the first page, it's the longest of the bunch.
And by the way, I loved it. Beautifully written, and soooooooo happy Emily and George made up.
Thanks, Connie
So, I'm wondering what Draco is doing. Is he just sort of wishing he could melt into a crack in the floor. I get the feeling they don't like him very much, and he was left alone with them. I would be so afraid even if they did like me.

Yeah, I kind of just put him in the background for this post, because I wanted to focus more on Emily and George. I'm sure he does just want to disappear into a crack or something, since some of them don't like him and all, not to mention George isn't too thrilled with him at the momento...
Oh but wait! There was something in the last post I wanted to ask you about. Let me go find it....OK after scrolling through a mile of comments

(I love how everyone loves you) I found to my dismay, that it was on the previous page, and I'm afraid of going back and loosing all I've said here. It was something about Alice wanting them to help in the wizard war. Emily said they couldn't cause it would kill them? or something like that. What did she mean?
Ohhh, that. It'd be easier to explain if you've read the Twilight books, but I shall try. And this is just how I've always seen it, it doesn't mean that they really could be killed by wands, it's just what I believe. So, in Twilight, there are some vampires who have extra abilities, like Alice can see the future and Edward can read minds. And there's this one Vampire, who can, I guess we'll use a wizard term, Crucio you. In Twilight, it's a mental pain that you experience, not physical. And with how Riddle's father died, and the doctor's said that they couldn't figure out how he died, it was just as if his heart stopped working, because he was in a healthy condition. So, I figured that wands emotionally attack you (not all spells, but some), so the vampires could be harmed... Vampires can be harmed physically, but let's face it--if we were in a wrestling match with one, without wands, they'd kick our butts. But if you just flicked your wand at them, they could die. But that's just how see it. If it doesn't make since, let me know
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.
Thanks, Connie
Originally Posted by
[CENTER][COLOR="YellowGreen"]10 or 11?
Le Merde,
Le dooble Merde
At least that's how I think you spell double in French

Ummm, what does the other part mean? I don't speak French....

I'm pretty sure he's in the next post, so calm it!
Originally Posted by
10 OR 11???????
Awww it's so sad!!!

I know

But it will be okay
Do you have an idea of when the sequal will be up?
Originally Posted by Sophie
When will the sequal be up?
Ummm, I'm not going to submit it until I post either the second to last or last bit of MYUTM... Just because I don't want you seeing too much until you're there
Originally Posted by
Hey Emily. I think you should split the post cause it keeps us hanging. Plus I'm really getting used to this patience thing

Hey, Sophie. I was thinking along the same terms.