Hello ~Otts. So, here I was checking my e-mail and saw a notice saying, Miss Evi3e <3, posted and I'm thinking, yes, but she already posted. Curious I read the e-mail and thought well, this isn't the same comment. So I hurried to your story and found you had posted again. I wonder why I got a post saying Evi3e <3 posted a comment, but not one first saying you posted yours?!?!?!? Anyway, I read, and re-read it, but just now getting to comment.
The girl was standing in front of him with her hand at his throat before he had finished speaking. Angel merely smiled and poked her stomach with the end of his wand.
Angel is always a cool one, but with this girl, maybe a little caution should be exercised.
Angel smiled as she sat down again and called him something obscene. He had not said it but thought that vampires were plebian, too.

And I agree! Very plebeian! Only I won't say it loud at all, because I'm afraid of vampires. And I'm very afraid for Ottery if this, antidote doesn't get to Ottery in time, or it doesn't work. Because vampires and this Carpathian solution are too scary from what I'm reading, to think about if this is ....

I have to think of something else. I'm thinking that maybe that Indian Hermione is dreaming about is a spirit trying to tell her how to save Ottery. Teasing,

but I bring her up because I was wondering when we'll know more about her and Ron, the poor guy. And what is Harry, Nicholas, and Neville, planning?
“Money is so not a problem here,” the boy replied. Angel was a world renowned thief, whatever they asked he was sure he could get it, no matter the amount or whatever the artifact they might desire, thieving was his livelihood. He felt a rush of cold down his back and shivered a little, something suddenly told him that it wasn’t likely money they were after.
Brilliantly written! I got the heebi sheebies when I read this, cause I was thinking the same thing Angel was. But the bit about the cold rush going down his back was the equivelent of wispering boo! at a crucial part of a scary show you're watching.

Something off subject here, but soooooooooooo on the subject, I hope Kelly gets to read this ff, and comment. I know she is busy, and writing her own super ff, but, I always enjoy reading her comments. I'm just saying.
Super great post ~Otts! You know I love your story, and I'm not really scared to read it. I have right here with me my Holy Water, cross of ash wood (is that right), silver bullet, oops put that away, I don't need that, ummm, uh oh!

What wards off Zombiees?!?!?! Anyway,

I know I'm safe reading, so bring it on.