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AmbiguouslyMe "Keep up the good work," he called out, before he saw something disturbing out of the corner of his eye.
And keep up the good work she did. Sorta. She had conjured more twigs, but each new conjuration was better than the previous. It was only on her third try that she finally conjured a log. Not a huge one, but it was big enough to keep her warm.
A small smile flicked across her face as she gently tugged at the edge of her old beanie.
"Evanesco." Arya quickly vanished her twigs and log, watching the space in front of her become devoid of wood again.
She already knew the fire part, and wanted to work on the wood part first. Making an 'x' motion with her wand she said,
"Focalia." This time a three smallish logs sat in front of her.
Another flick and they were vanished as well, clearing space so she could continue conjuring.