Hey kids, sorry I'm late, yes, I know, there's no excuse. But since most of you have moved on ...
Neways, I haven't given up on this story, just on editing it so here goes. But first replies, more teases about zombies and Dracula will be appearing. Maybe ...
Originally Posted by Conners
Hello ~Otts. I must say that from the very beginning your words planted such a masterfully painted picture. The contrast of the dark sky, the image of the airship not completely visible, but the stars, and the resplendent moon shining on Madison in her wonderful white cloak, that I have always loved by the way, just magnifies the image in my mind to breath taking beauty! Wonderfully written.
Hey Connie, yeah, I'm glad you liked that, I always thought when envisioning Madison that all white for someone who is all evil (or supposed to be anyways) would be iconic. Voila. Iconography. I'm glad you think it succeeded.
On an entirely separate side not, Smallville has really become trash this season. Seriously ... is anyone writing this show or did the comic book writers take over? Oh yeah,

the comic book writers took over. Yes I'm making dirty eyes at you Geoff Johns, you sad one trick pony.
Originally Posted by Droo
great... now I have that song stuck in my head!
Great Chapter though.
Yes, but it's a great song Droo. Here's another one ... oh, I'll wait for the post
Originally Posted by Evi3e
Great chapter.
I wonder what's going to happen...as always ;D
Hahaha, PAMS!
Eviee <33
Thank you, and ... well, if you really want to know Eviee <33 there'll be zombies, I know, I know I keep promising them, but they'll be here ...

soon. I told you I'm writing Dracula in there somehow right? And ... well, Ottery dies. Oh, c'mon you all know he has to die, there's no way this story can just be 48 hours ... and he can't be on the brink of Death for the remainder of this story ... or can he? Oooooooooooooooooooooooh. :O Not telling.
Here goes kiddies, in a chapter I like to entitle, get ready to sing Droo ...
Chapter: Darling, reach out, Reach out, for me.
Now if you feel that you can't go on
Because all your hope is gone
And your life is filled with confusion
And happiness is just an illusion
And your world around is tumblin' down
Darling, reach out
Reach out, for me.
Reach out, I'll be there ~ Four Tops Explosions everywhere and spells flying left and right left the cell that Ottery had formerly been occupying in shambles, which isn’t saying much considering the room was simply dirt walls with a dirt roof and a dirt floor which had now been blown out and everything gone. Out of the missing wall that had faced the sheer drop to the rocky shore were waves and the hopes of Azkaban’s prisoners were dashed a dragon hovered. Drax the dragon was a singularly beautiful creature out of man’s oldest recollections, like the last surviving dinosaur on earth, or the dreams of mythical creature brought forth to life the great red Mexican Maleficent on whose back Tiffany, Diego, Ottery and Teddy now sat, hovered just below the dark haired boy‘s old prison cell.
Diego pet the creatures’ head in approval and with a whistle commanded him away.
“A dragon? Cool. I was expecting something like a magic carpet,” Ottery announced a little giddily, “How long do you think before they stop blasting each other with spells?” the boy asked.
“Not until they blast each other into oblivion,” Teddy replied and lowered his hood over his face leaning back to take a nap.
“Do you really think it wise to take a nap on the back of a flying dragon?” Tiffany asked.
“Warms my heart to know you care, honey,” Teddy said and got a smack for his cheek, still to the observant eye they would have seen under the shadow of his cloak by moonlight Teddy’s mischievous grin.
“Teddy and I were dragon riders in the Spanish Revolutionary War,” Ottery replied, yawning a little.
“There weren’t any dragons in the war,” Tiffany replied. “It was a muggle war.”
“No miente. He didn’t mean the Spanish Revolution on this world,” Diego interjected.
“Ottery and Teddy get around,” Ottery remarked and yawned again and lay his head on Teddy’s shoulder, the brown haired boy shifted and knocked him off but Otty put his head there again and Teddy ignored it.
The dragon banked to the left and flew down close to the moonlight ocean waves which out in the middle of the sea were much more peaceful than on the shores of Great Britain on a quiet night. A school of dolphins swam past squeaking a greeting. :3 AN: I apologize for any mistakes in editing, please feel free to point them out. I'll be posting the links soon on the first post so you all can reread this quickly and catch up with what all is going on, AND I will be posting more frequently as I am working on a writing schedule that isn't, 'whenever the children let me'.
Do wish me luck.