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Conjure the wood with an x and a don't forget focalia. Fo-fo-fo-cal-cal-liaaa!
Fletcher had this. He totally made up a rhyme for the spell and everything. Wrapping his blanket about his neck like a large scarf!cape, Fletcher flicked out his wand from its holster and closed his eyes. He was discovering that this helped. The boy took a breath and imagined a nice, medium-sized pile of... some wood. He didn't know what type of wood, specifically, but it was dry and old and chopped into very even pieces.
Kinda looked like Professor Saylen's stash of firewood outside her hut. *Snickerrrrr* But now that he had a good mental image, anyway, Fletch made the x-shape in the air and silently commanded, "Focalia!"
There it was, the pile of wood just as he'd imagined it. The color was a bit different from his mental image but wood was like snowflakes. Probably. No two pieces are exactly alike.
"Incendio!" Fletcher happily lit the wood and shuffled closer to it for a spot of warmth. Shame Kingsley was such a stickler for that no-food rule. He had a chocolate frog in his pocket he was dying to set free.... and uh, wasn't there a way to transfigure or charm food and make duplicates? Like enough for the whole class??
Salander was grumbling. Unusual for the lad who would seize any opportunity to get out of the classroom, even get on a broom and fly into invisible barriers. But he was having a tough time with Transfiguration, being completely unable to transfigure
the scarf into a blanket. And now they were heading out to do more Transfiguring in the bitter cold?
Still clutching that scarf (that wasnt even his to begin with), he spotted Fletcher transfigure a nice wooden pile then set it aflame with ease. With his back to the Professor, he sat himself slightly in front of the GlitterPuff, and made the flicking wand movement at the ground in front of him
"Focalia." Nothing. He scowled then repeated it again
"Focalia!" he growled. The breeze picked up slightly, blowing in a few dried leaves into that spot. But no twigs, not even an inch. He huffed, then pointed his wand at Fletcher's burning pile
"Accio." A few burning twigs rolled his way, then used his shoes to shove them together right on top of the generously given leaves.
"Incendio...." the boy cast belatedly, pretending that he was able to conjure up the wood and the fire. If he wanted to keep warm in the great outdoors, he'd learn to shrink a self heating tent with a wide screen tv and a jacuzzi thankyouverymuch.